Member Link Up Puget Sound Area Shooter's Group

Western Washington shooters, I have 2/1 pounders of H4831SC, and a single 1 pounder of H4831, I would like to trade or sell to someone in need. I paid 30.00 each plus tax. Want what I got into them for. FTF or meet next month at the UNSC match. PM me, if interested. J
Hey Shooters
I'm looking for a little input.
I will be in FL at the GAP grind this week and wll be able to face to face with Rich Emmons.
How many would want to be part of the PRS club division next year? say eye
It will cost the club $500 but we will be able to send some guys or gals to the finale.

Sounds like something I'd be interested in. I'll talk to you about it next time I see you.
Here are a couple auction items I would love for you to check out.

32auctions ? Out of the Woods

All these funds go directly to Jubilee Youth Ranch/Jubilee Leadership Academy to help support our at risk youth. (

We have some awesome items to bid on,


A one day semi Guided Deer hunt on J H farms. Two hunters, Two bucks, lunch, transportation, the works!!!

October 19th. I will also be there to help out however I can.
I am really excited about this package, whoever gets it will be right in the middle of 36,000 acres of wheat fields and CRP land with some huge animals. You will have a blast for sure, and you can get a couple big racks and lots of meat out of this trip for sure.

Also, I am putting up a slot for the 2014 JC Steel Target Challenge, Guaranteed Entry slot and all monies go right to the youth. So not only will you be able to shoot this match, but you will be financially helping out Jubilee Youth Ranch.

Go to this link, and follow the bidding procedure. Thanks again for looking, and if you know anyone interested in these items, pass the info on. THIS ENDS SOON!!!!!

32auctions ? Out of the Woods

Thanks for looking,

Jake Vibbert
JC Steel Targets
Jubilee Youth Ranch
I have just received word that the next UNSC practical rifle match will on Saturday 19 October. We will have both the 550 and 100 yard ranges.

Please let me know if you wish to attend so Kevin and I can plan the stages accordingly. We currently have 20 shooters signed up, and will try to keep the list to around 30 shooters, give or take a few. Having access to both ranges will make it much easier to accomodate around 30 shooters. I am very pleased that the club is giving us access to two ranges again.

I will update the list (on the previous page in this thread) as people sign up.
For anyone who's curious what the P.R.S Club series is here's some info from Rich Emmons who runs the Precision Rifle Series.
More can be read on this thread.

The Club Series Division is designed to reach out to Shooting Clubs and shooters who compete within recognized shooting clubs across the country who would like to earn a slot to compete nationally amongst other club division shooters to represent their Club as the best in the Nation.

Up to 10 Clubs from all over the Nation may enter the Club Series for an opportunity to to shoot-out with best clubs in the nation in a Club Championship match that rewards the best club shooters and the best overall club.

* Each participating Club and their shooters will compete against other shooters within their OWN club for rankings.

* All monies paid into the Club Division through Club membership will be awarded back at the Club Championship along with all shooter entry fee’s, less match expenses.

* The Club Championship will be held in Oklahoma (via Matt Parry/Rich Emmons/ Kevin Elpers) during the month of January or February 2014
* The Club Division Series runs from January 2013 until January 2014.

* Club Membership Fee is $500.00, paid by each Club no later than March 31st.


* This Club Series consist of only recognized state or regional rifle clubs or at minimum, a regular group of participants in a reoccurring monthly type match or Club Series which is recognized by the PRS committee.

* Club matches used for PRS Ranking submittal must consist of 15 or more shooters per match on average.

* Clubs are responsible for ensuring the PRS is sent an electronic version of the Club Rankings and results each month.

* Each Club shooters ranking will be based upon their own club match results using a standardized scoring method consisting of at least FOUR Club matches.

* Standardized Scoring for club matches will be selected by each Club at registration, the options are as follows:
(1)----PRS Standardized scoring= individual score/ winners score X100= Score Shooter ranking is based off best 4 scores.
(2)------ Match total scoring= using shooters score to determine ranking based off of 4 best matches. *NOTE each Club's match will need to have the same possible scoring throughout the year to be consistent and fair.
(3)---- Match Average scoring= using shooters total score to determine ranking based off all matches participated in (minimum of 4) *NOTE each club's match will need to have the same possible scoring throughout the year to be consistent and fair.

* ONLY the Top ranked shooters from each Club on January 1, 2014 or season 's end will be selected to shoot the Club Championship.

* The numbers of Clubs participating in the PRS Club Series will determine the number of shooters from each club eligible to shoot the Club Championship, e.g.= 10 clubs (x6 shooters), 9 Clubs(x7 shooters), 8 Clubs (x8 shooters), 7 Clubs (x 9 shooters) 6 Clubs (x10 shooters) etc. will be eligible to compete in the Club Championship.

* The Club Championship winner(s) will based upon ONLY the Club Championship Match and will receive 100% cash payback along with Sponsor prizes based on individual placement (Less Match Expenses).

* The Winning Rifle Club(s) will be awarded will be a cash payout (up to $5000 from all joining club memberships) and will be based on the Aggregate score of all team members representing their club.

More details on the PRS website at time of Registration.
Hopefully, we will have alot of Clubs interested to take Top honors of best Rifle Club and Club Shooters in the Nation.
Regarding the PRS, what actual benefit would the UNSC matches see from a PRS affiliation? Also, what autonomy would be lost due to such an affiliation? In other words, what would the guys who run the matches have to give up or change, and how would the PRS benefit their efforts? I like the way Unknown and Kevin are handling the matches, including the laid back atmosphere where everyone helps each other and nobody is worried about a prize table or anything like that.
From everything I've read the only things that would change are the scoring system would have to be consistent at each match and the match results would have to be sent in to the PRS.
There's also the $500 entry fee from the club which I'm sure could be easily reached by donations from the shooters. All the money from the club entry fee goes to a cash payout to the top teams at the finale:

"The Club Registration fee($500) will be used to payback the winning clubs at the Championship. e.g. (10 clubs = $5000)
1st place $4,000
2nd place $1,000 "

So really not too much changes as far as the structure of the matches. Entry fees and sign ups would still be how ever the MD determines as none of that money goes to the PRS.

What it gives is an opportunity to everyone to see how their improving by actually having a standardized scoring system that keeps track of their efforts at each match with only the top 4 results being used in a year for club rankings.

It also opens up the opportunity to be a part of the Precision Rifle Series without having to travel across the country and spend a $1,000 to compete in a match. You can be a part of it right in your own backyard without spending any more than the match already costs.

Also it gives the top shooters from our club a chance to get into the finale and compete against the other top clubs and have a possibility of bringing home a cash prize for our club. Maybe enough for a moving target ? ;)

I don't feel it will change how people view the match at least it wont with me. I still view it as a fun match but I do take it seriously when I'm up there shooting with or without the PRS. But between stages or on the phone at home I'm more than willing to offer suggestions on how someone can improve when they ask.
I've watched UNSC go from trying to get enough people to show up that one hand could count the numbers to where we're at today. Its a testament to how the matches have evolved and been run that we're starting to see the numbers that we are each month. Many of whom wouldn't show up each month last year.

Making it a PRS match will definitely bring in new competitors from around the NW seeing as it will be the only Club match by us without driving 8 hours plus one way to get to Idaho.
I don't view new competitors as a bad thing and think growing is something positive and that can be done without loosing what we already have.
See the previous sentence where only 7 of us would show up each month to the matches.

Please post up your thoughts and concerns, it would be good to have a open discussion about it.
I think that we could benefit from having a uniform scoring system from match to match. Kevin and I have been going back and forth on which systems are easy to use for all the Range Officers, reward good marksmanship, and have consistency from match to match.

I agree with AtOne that the $500 could be probably be made up by donations from the people who want to participate in the PRS series. As more people get involved in the practical rifle shooting, we need to consider what the "customer base" really wants. We would need to find out precisely what kind of shooting and matches the "customers" want to attend. There are a number of various types of "practical rifle" from the IPSC style speed shooting, the PRS series, matches that favor fast engagement of targets without regard to the number of rounds fired, and plenty of other styles. Currently, I think the UNSC matches are in between the PRS style, and the other styles.

I enjoy the autonomy and at this point, I'm really not looking to bite off more than I can chew. Kevin and I are still struggling with getting UNSC to give us access to ranges on a regular basis, buying and building props. However, with that having been said, getting the assistance from all the volunteers like we did at the last match, makes a HUGE difference in workload for Kevin and I. Having Kevin's input, and all the other range officers willing to help out makes running the matches much, MUCH easier and more enjoyable. The more involvement we get from people willing to help out, the further, and faster this program can grow.

We have been trying out various scoring methods to find what works, and doesn't work, what helps, and hinders, and I think we have it pretty much ironed out. I expect that within the next 1-3 matches, we will have our "permanent" scoring system in place, then comparing scores from match to match will be much easier. The last club where I competed used a computer scoring system where all names and scores get entered, and there is a printout available within about an hour of the last round being fired. If we could come up with a portable laptop, I'm, sure that the other club would share a copy of the program with us. However, they pay someone to do the computer data entry as the match is going on, so that after the last round is fired, there is usually only one more stage worth of data to enter. Paying someone do do computer data entry would raise entry fees, and we have wanted to keep match fees down for obvious reasons. If we raised entry fees by $5 per shooter we could easily find someone willing to bring their laptop, do some data entry in order to collect $100-$150 for a few hours hanging around watching people shoot. To make this work for UNSC, we would continue our $20 entry fee, and have a $5 scoring surcharge that goes into a separate place for the scorekeeper.

I wouldn't want involvement with the PRS series to limit what the UNSC practical rifle group can do. I would like to see much more diversity in the kind of shooting we do. To be sure, PRS shooting is great, and valuable, but there are all sorts of other rifles to shoot, and I would also like to see UNSC have matches like classic battle rifle (iron sight rifles built before 1947), military rifle/carbine matches where the only sights allowed are those in common military usage such as ACOG, Elcan and similar sights.

I guess the first thing to figure out is who would want to run PRS series matches? Who would want to be in charge of all the PRS series contacts, keeping match records, sending off records and so on? If no one wants to run a PRS series, then the discussion is pretty well over with for the time being.

While I like the idea of the PRS series matches, I feel that I have plenty to do running the existing program.
Right now we're also assuming that Scott was reffering to UNSC and not another venue.
May have to see what he was thinking when he gets back from the grind.
Either way its good to discuss where everyone wants to go with it especially from Anton and Kevin point of view as they've worked to get the matches where there at today.
Anton, what you and Kevin have done is simply outstanding. You have given lots of individuals the opportunity to get out and shoot their precision rifle in a match settings, to challenge their shooting ability, check what works and what does n't when it comes to gear and have fun. The fact that these monthly matches are happening, and that more and more shooters from around the State and further want to participate show how successful they are. With regards to the PRS club series, its a significant step in what might be considered a different direction. The question that needs to be answered is whether or not, is there a significant interest amongst the bread and butter shooters for the effort to be made to join the club series. If 15 or 20 guys or gals say yes and are ready to pony up the funds that would not only cover the $500 entry cost, but additional expenses that might be incurred running the matches. Perhaps someone could contact some of the PRS club series participants and find out what has worked them. Whatever the decision, I will still make the effort to get down there as much as possible and shoot with good people.
I hope no one thinks that I oppose the PRS shooting because that is not the case. I am really pleased with the growth of the program at UNSC, and that credit goes to the shooters who continue to show up, and give input into what they would like the matches to entail. Without input from our "customer base", Kevin and I are only guessing at what people want to see, and what they want changed with the program at UNSC.

I think the PRS is an excellent program and that it is at the beginning of a sport that is in it's infancy, much as IPSC was back when it used to be called "Combat Shooting". It is always interesting being in on the start up of a new venture in shooting because ANYTHING that gets more people out shooting helps keep firearms ownership, use and responsibility going, rather than allowing the anti-gun groups to push shooters back into a closet is a good thing. That is another reason I support anything that gets people shooting.

As UNSC already has a couple of rifle programs in existence, we may be in a position to easily dovetail the PRS series into one or more programs at UNSC. In addition to the question about who would like to run something like the PRS series, we have to consider range availability at UNSC. Currently, the board at UNSC has had to deal with a number of members complaining that most weekends the ranges are taken up with various activities that make it harder, and harder for the members to come out and shoot on weekends. The board of directors at UNSC has done well by us in continuing to get us not only a regular range spot, but recently added a second range for our use. Anyone having contact with the UNSC board would be doing us a great favor by letting the board know we are all appreciative of the access we have to club facilities. We have had a couple of public relations issues at our matches, and positive comments from the practical rifle participants made to the board go a long way toward restoring the board's perception of us as decent folks to share facilities with.

With the previous paragraph in mind, running the PRS series would most likely have to dovetail in with the practical rifle program. If there is sufficient interest, and there is someone wanting to run the PRS matches, I don't have any problem giving up some of our range dates so the PRS series can use the ranges. Sharing targets, mounting systems, and other gear used at our matches (including people) would make sense.

I'm trying to say that I favor anything that gets more people interested in the many styles of practical rifle shooting, including the PRS series. The only way our sport(s) will survive is if we support each other, encourage each other, and all do what we can to get people out shooting. I have long hoped that the UNSC program would grow to the point that we would have a board of directors within our discipline. This board of directors could decide the direction of the program, how and where we spend money, and make all the decisions about the practical rifle discipline at UNSC. ANYONE interested in being part of this board should contact Kevin or myself.

With the recent influx of new range officers willing to help run the matches, I think we could easily come up with the personnel to help run some of the PRS matches. What we need first would be answers to the following questions:

1. Who would want to run the PRS program?
2. Where would the $500 to enter the PRS series come from?
(basically who wants to pay into a PRS fund, as I can think of all sorts of ways to generate the money)

Most of the other questions about logistics, match structure, scoring system and so on seem pretty easy to solve.

Please keep the discussion about the PRS series, and the direction of the practical rifle at UNSC in general going. I am not offended, or defensive about possible or suggested changes. Remember, I am the guy who asked for input when the practical rifle program was starting out. This is simply more of the input that I asked for a long time ago.

And again, thanks to all of you for your support. It makes all the work worth the effort Kevin and I put into the program.
I'm willing to donate money if this gets off the ground just to keep this from happening !

I think the first issue is finding someone willing to coordinate everything. Getting interested people to put up some money will be much easier than finding someone to coordinate the shoots.

Hey Shooters
I'm looking for a little input.
I will be in FL at the GAP grind this week and wll be able to face to face with Rich Emmons.
How many would want to be part of the PRS club division next year? say eye
It will cost the club $500 but we will be able to send some guys or gals to the finale.

Sounds like something I'd be interested in. I'll talk to you about it next time I see you.

I'll wait and see what Scott was thinking for a match when he gets back but I think just like money and range officers there's always someone willing to step forward to lend a hand when there's a plan.
I just got back from having breakfast and coffee with Unknown. We worked out next months course of fire and talked about the PRS stuff. I want to wait until Scott gets back from the grind and talk with him but it looks like we have a good shot at making it work for us next season. I told Unknown that I would be more than happy to take care of the PRS stuff i.e. submitting scores and collecting money. I will update everyone as soon as I get a chance to talk with Scott.
Not gun related, but I have the chrome wheels off my truck here for sale. They are Driv Tremor 8, 8on 6 1/2" bolt pattern. Will fit Dodge, Chevy, or pre Superduty ford 3/4, & 1 ton trucks.
17" x 9" with -12mm backspace. Load rating of 3500#. Have some very minor corrosion, & the center caps are kind of trashed, but new ones are available.
$300.00 FTF, or plus shipping.
Here they are on my truck before I switched them out.
Sellers be advised... Warhammer72 is NOT gtg. The guy said he was going to buy my Borka set off of me almost a month ago back on the 29th. I pm'd him a couple weeks ago telling him I still hadn't received any money and his response "...temporarily assigned out of state, you should get in the next couple of days." and here it is 2 weeks later still with nothing. I held off since he's a local here in Washington, but my patience has run thin with people who commit to something and then don't follow through. If anyone is interested in a Borka MG9 kit let me know.