Always thought pumpjacks were just cool
As hell! And wanted to build a model of one. Finally found an inexpensive Stirling Engines kit.
Stripped off all the day go paint. Assembled it with a few modifications (like the oil tank out back and a much better pump head.
Painted it to look “like new” with cast iron coat and Krylon and Testors enamels
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Them weathered it to look “proper” because you never see these things looking like new!!! Lots of layers of grime and rust and oil stains and even some graffiti. Now it looks like it sat pumping in an Oklahoma field for 40 years!
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The cool part is that it actually works! It has ball valves in it and will pump light oil just like it should. Took about 2 hours to assemble the raw kit. But many more to strip off the original day glo colors, prime, paint and weather!
But it looks really cool on my desk pumping away!
I really want to put a real one on my lower pasture and tell the neighbors I struck oil. They will go batshit crazy. If anyone here has an old one they want to get rid of (small, please!!) hit me up!