The whole box at 100 yards

CCI 17hmr 20 grain fmj Gamepoint rated 2375 fps

CZ 455 Barrel block Fuglie with Lilja 20 inch heavy barrel


Visual check showed variations in seating depth and angle.
Roll the cartridges on a flat surface and visible tip wobble.
Brass dimensions varied as well. Some chambered easily,
others required extra oomph to seat and close the bolt.
ES in excess of 200 fps.
Cartridge defects explain the spread on target.


2.5 inch spread for 50 shots at 100 yards
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CCI 17 grain 17hmr TNT jhp rated 2550 fps

CZ 455 Fuglie, Lilja barrel


Visual inspection showed fewer irregularities compared to the gamepoints.
A few showed longer cartridge lengths that when checked showed less seating depth.
Minimal tip wobble when rolled on a flat surface. Better quality cartridges, better results.
Still that CCI ES, over 200 fps.


1-3/8 inch spread for 50 shots in a quartering headwind.
Did a quick run thru of 50 shot groups at 50 yds and 100 yds. Didn't hold off for wind shift, just held center and pulled the trigger. The wind was about 3 - 4 mph. The rifle is my home made version of a MKIII with home made breech block and tuner.

Edited to say the target squares are 1.75" and the bulls are 1" diameter.


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Not easy to maintain sub moa outdoors at 100 yards.
Not even with RWS R50 is it lion?
Use wind flags and still those random puffs and minor cartridge defects
spin those trajectories off just enough to be annoying.

Hey lion, what's going on in bullseye 13?
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There is definitely some great shooting here in this thread. The next time I get to the range I’ll have to give it a try even though the conditions are going to shit pretty fast here in Maine.
^^Great example of pre-building your excuse/hero storylines of the future! :LOL:

(Totally fuckin with you. I’m not the poor bastard trying to shoot well in November. In Maine.)
^^Great example of pre-building your excuse/hero storylines of the future! :LOL:

(Totally fuckin with you. I’m not the poor bastard trying to shoot well in November. In Maine.)
Na, that's not an excuse , thats a explaination of why he does so well - he's 16 degrees south of me ! :D ;)

i mean it couldn't possibly be because he shoots well, could it ? :eek:

natdscott you nailed it... ha! I love a little trash talk, it reassures me that I am in the right group of people. 👍 I really hope to get out and be able to give this a go this weekend.

I shoot with Hoser at the OTC in Colorado Springs. This is as close as I ever got to a perfect 600. Two stupid points off! I didn't (and still don't) know how to get the group size off the screen, but with the exception of two 9.9's, all 60 were in the 10 ring. Maybe Hose can estimate the group size.

The rifle is a 40X. IIRC, I was running the original 1963 barrel. TB 30P can. Ammo was Eley Edge. Scope was a 20X Super Sniper.


That's Hoser there on my right.

Federal AutoMatch 40 grain 22lr rated 1200 fps


CZ 455 Varmint, Lilja sporter barrel, Sinclair bipod, Mueller 8-32X44 target scope


Cartridges are visibly dinged up, crimps vary from loose to snug,
transition from nose to drive bands is uneven and the results are no surprise.
Strays spitting wide of the rest of the group due to minimal quality control.

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Prime SemiAuto manufactured by RWS, 40 grain 22lr rated 1148 fps


CZ 455 Varmint, Lilja, Sinclair


Much more uniform in appearance than the Fed AM and Remmy TB
but still had a couple of strays show up. Probable cause is uneven seating.
Crimp to drive bands on a few cartridges showed a slight angle.
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Eley Action 40 grain 22lr rated 1090 fps


CZ 455 Varmint, Lilja, Sinclair


That dropper had a different sound than the rest.
Soon as I heard it I knew it was going to fall out.
Instead of a clean pop, it pooted. So annoying. :(

Same wind conditions for all 4 brands sent this morning,
yet the Eley Action held a much tighter grouping due to fewer visible defects.
That weak round is a problem inherent to most rimfire cartridges.
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Federal AutoMatch 40 grain 22lr rated 1200 fps


CZ 455 Varmint, Lilja sporter barrel, Sinclair bipod, Mueller 8-32X44 target scope


Cartridges are visibly dinged up, crimps vary from loose to snug,
transition from nose to drive bands is uneven and the results are no surprise.
Strays spitting wide of the rest of the group due to minimal quality control.

I completely forgot I’ve got some Automatch laying around somewhere. I’ll have to find out if it will chamber in my RimX.
You ain't the only one that has some less than stellar ammo in the stash, DrG.
I was checking inventory and ran across multiple partial boxes of bulk 22lr.
Leftovers from when the kids still lived at home and enjoyed range days.
Being easily entertained, I included them in this mornings samples.
I was surprised by the number of single boxes of different brands I had forgotten about.
Ought to keep me occupied for several months, 50 at a time at 100 yards. :D
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I wanted to play too.

Sk Match was quite disappointing for ES

68 degrees Farenheit

POA=center, POI= -1inch

The 906fps round dropped clear off the paper.

Ruger 10/22, Houge barrel.
Bolt face machined to minimum Headspace.
Kidd trigger
Boyds stock
Sightron 36x

I want a Vudoo.


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I wouldn't mind having a vudoo too, HN.

Only problem is, I'd have to spend more money on better ammo
in order to take advantage of the difference in rifle quality.

Even a vudoo can't fix an ES of 178 fps. :(
I wouldn't mind having a vudoo too, HN.

Only problem is, I'd have to spend more money on better ammo
in order to take advantage of the difference in rifle quality.

Even a vudoo can't fix an ES of 178 fps. :(

^True, but it would give me a reason to buy better ammo.😁

I bought that ruger in stock form, used 31 years ago. It has been in the original birch stock, a Choate folding stock, then a Houge overmold with a new barrel, now bedded in the Boyds. Had a trigger job, multiple scopes. I've machined the bolt face, radiused the rear of the bolt, polished it to a mirror finish along with the firing pin, guide rod and installed the kidd trigger, buffer pin, mag release, and God knows what else. It finally runs like a sewing machine but alas it is still a Ruger. I have spent enough on it to buy a Vudoo. I consider it the cost of education. I'm hesitant to sour a Lapua in it. This proves I can blame it on ammo😁 I've used it as a trainer, shot in our local indoor 4 position, outdoor 50m offhand, and bechrest leagues.

Next trials will be some Norma, Wolf, FGMM, and maybe Auto match and CCI SV just to see the results.
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CCI SV 40 grain 22lr rated 1070 fps


CZ 455 Lilja, Sinclair bipod


2.5 inches of spread at 100 yards
From an old brick that did quite well for inexpensive ammo.
Have 2-1/2 bricks of it left, for small game use mostly

Same brick that produced this 50 shot group at 50 yards

Eley Team 40 grain 22lr rated 1090 fps


CZ 455 Lilja, Sinclair bipod


Visible difference in cartridge quality shows up on target.
Fewer dents and dings, clean crimp line, better bullet symmetry.
Much better results.
I’ve had some Eley Team lots do rather well but most have just been so so out of mine just shows how lot dependent they all are.
Nice shooting
Eley Team 40 grain 22lr rated 1090 fps


CZ 455 Lilja, Sinclair bipod


Visible difference in cartridge quality shows up on target.
Fewer dents and dings, clean crimp line, better bullet symmetry.
Much better results.

That's quite a group....our LSG had boxes of that a couple of days ago @ $15 dollars a box along with TENEX @ $19. Probably gone by now, but if not I will definitely pick some up....
Norma 17 grain V-Max Polymer tip 17 hmr rated 2560 fps
Label reads Norma, manufactured by CCI.
Same cartridge as the CCI, Hornady and Federal 17hmr 17 gr ballistic tips


455 Fuglie/Lilja


Visible differences in seating depth and angle,
200 fps plus ES and there's no sub-moa "all-day-long".

CCI TNT Green 17hmr no-lead 16 grain jhp rated 2500 fps


CZ 455 Fuglie, Lilja barrel


Inspection before chambering showed variations in overall length and seating depth,
a few showed tilted seating when rolled on a flat surface, tip wobble apparent.
ES in excess of 200 fps, typical of of my results with CCI 17 hmr production.


Those variations in cartridge assembly and mv spread, show up as outliers.
Good enough for varminting, but not what you want for benchrest competition.
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Fiocchi-USA 40 grain TMJ rated 1900 fps
Made by CCI for Fiocchi-USA...same cartridge as the CCI TMJ


455 Feddersen Fuglie



Those droppers sounded different and a quick look at the chrony verified slower mv.
That's CCI hunting ammo. Good enough for center of critter out to about 75 yards.
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Fiocchi-USA 40 grain JSP made by CCI for Fiocchi.
Same cartridge and box as the CCI 40 grain jsp.
Only the label and headstamp are different.


455 Feddersen Fuglie


Results at 100 yards


Typical CCI quality and results
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Found a partial box of Armscor 40 grain jhp 22wmr, made in the Phillipines
Only 35 cartridges left in the box



CZ 455 Feddersen Fuglie and 100 yards


Irregular seating depths easily visible due to the cannelure.
Some cartridges the cannelure was above the crimp, some at the crimp,
some below the crimp and hidden by the brass.
By the way, a shooter posted results of a 50 at 100, accomplished with a Vudoo.
0.86 inch group for 50 it is possible to get it done.

Check the bottom group...

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Interesting thread. Sub'd for future info. I hope to post results in the near future. At first I was thinking "I only have a 2-7x32 optic", then I remembered reading someone shot it with irons, lol.
CCI A22 35 grain jsp 22wmr rated 2100 fps

Wind from my 3 o'clock at 5 to 8 mph

CZ 455 Son of Fuglie, Sinclair bipod and bag



3.3 inches horizontal spread, 2.3 inches of vertical.

Look at how those group centers shift.
That's why I test by sending all 50 at a single aim point
CCI TNT Green 30 grain jhp 22wmr rated 2050 fps

CZ 455 Feddersen Fuglie



Hey...why are there only 27 holes y'er asking? :confused:

Well, there's a good reason for that...


That's what's left of the magazine and mag well. :(

Case rupture/head separation blew out the bottom of the receiver.
Put an end to my morning of shooting while I picked up the pieces.
Bits of mag well and magazine all over the deck and bench.

Yes, the cartridge was fully seated.
Yes, the bolt was completely closed.
No, there was nothing on the bolt face to change the head space.
The head simply blew off either due to a weakness in the brass
or, as the chronograph history showed, an overcharged cartridge.

These cartridges are rated 2050 fps.
The chrony showed a high of 2406 fps, 350 fps higher than the rated mv.
That 1907 fps low, was the last shot fired, the case rupture.
Even with the loss of seal, it still exited the muzzle at almost the rated mv.
Daaaayyyyuuuuummmm! :eek:

That is the remains of the brass in the chamber


Pushed out the brass with a cleaning rod fed in from the muzzle


Trigger no longer functions, something is inside the bolt jamming the firing pin.

The head separated right at the rim flare
No bulge on the chambered brass, only the rim failed.





So much fun...CCI wants the remainder of the cartridges for analysis
and both parts of the ruptured case.