That probably wouldn't have done my 10/22 magnum any favors.CCI TNT Green 30 grain jhp 22wmr rated 2050 fps
CZ 455 Feddersen Fuglie
Hey...why are there only 27 holes y'er asking?
Well, there's a good reason for that...
That's what's left of the magazine and mag well.
Case rupture/head separation blew out the bottom of the receiver.
Put an end to my morning of shooting while I picked up the pieces.
Bits of mag well and magazine all over the deck and bench.
Yes, the cartridge was fully seated.
Yes, the bolt was completely closed.
No, there was nothing on the bolt face to change the head space.
The head simply blew off either due to a weakness in the brass
or, as the chronograph history showed, an overcharged cartridge.
These cartridges are rated 2050 fps.
The chrony showed a high of 2406 fps, 350 fps higher than the rated mv.
That 1907 fps low, was the last shot fired, the case rupture.
Even with the loss of seal, it still exited the muzzle at almost the rated mv.
That is the remains of the brass in the chamber
Pushed out the brass with a cleaning rod fed in from the muzzle
Trigger no longer functions, something is inside the bolt jamming the firing pin.
The head separated right at the rim flare
No bulge on the chambered brass, only the rim failed.
So much fun...CCI wants the remainder of the cartridges for analysis
and both parts of the ruptured case.
Glad you made it through the experience.