Vudoo V-22S Single Shot BR/F-Class Action

V22S shooters..
Anybody shooting these days.
Anyone finding ammo for sale .

Anyone put MB videos to practice ?
If you have what are you finding ?
I’m sure Mike would love hearing our feed back, that way we can get him to do more videos ..
I have a small list started.. Lol
I'm thinking no so much cause there aren't too many released to the wild yet
Yes please post them
Matt , do your best to stay healthy the more time I get with this build the more it may have been worth the wait.
I had about 12 months wait on my build, but that is the past let see what I have learned and can share to date.
I have posted earlier pictures of my groups as I get out to range with V22S.

I’m not a BR or Fclass shooter so my setup is classic bipod and rear bag off of a bench.
My gold standard 22LR is my 52C which I talked about a bit in other posts and my hope was this new build would meet or match that 1960 52C in factory configuration.

My problem is and was between the different system is a lot.
Classic stock over classic , different triggers, different scopes , bolt throw. And just get the right feel behind the glass and trigger
I have 10’s of thousands of rounds down range on the 52C and a few 100 with the V22S.
And winter is here and range days are harder to find I have taken time off from work to get out and shot and I can say not all were great days cold windy over cast , but I needed to know.
Was my money well spent.
Was it worth the wait.
I’m I write a lot about nothing .
10 shots Sk Standard not lite hits 13 lbs spring
I change to Midas plus and started getting a light strike about ever 10 to 15 shots release the bolt lock it back which rest the firing pin and off the round would go.
I would go back to the SK and no problem.
Change up to the 14 lbs but this time I did the 1 turn back on the spring , the POI would more little about not sure if was the time between changing spring of barrel cooling but it did seem to tighten the group.
Next photo 10 with SK no light hits , back to the Midas plus.
Next photo
Midas plus 5 shot group
3 in almost one hole but what about the one that fell out of the group..
Light strike and that was shot number “ 4 “
I cycled the bolt just enough to reset the firing pin as I did before and took the shot.
And it fell out of the group
It was me . When I cycle the bolt the rifle came off level and it pulled.
The next shot “5 “ was back in the group.. 100 percent me not the build.
So maybe MB can add to what I saw, I did have some other Eley ammo as well as other SK but by this time the sun was gone and so was my range time.
Hopefully this will help other , more over more questions but this fun stuff.


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I can back up what T-Hammer is saying.
Worth the $-- YES
Worth the time--Yes
I have shot two matches now with the V22S and am shooting better scores than with my V22.
I have only shot Midas+ so can not speak to other ammo, except for when I first took it to the range,
I did try some Eley Match. Had one FTF on the Eley then but have not shot any since.
My ammo is the Midas + and in the matches I have experienced two FTF. So during the time off in Jan and Feb
I plan to try different spring.
The trigger for me took some getting use to. Now I am liking it more than I did initially.
Hope y'all get yours soon!
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All this is VERY exciting! I think I said earlier that I sold my 40X back to the gentleman who sold it to me. You could say that I was caretaker of the piece for 3 years and enjoyed every minute of it. It was time to move on and I couldn't afford both so I replaced the Don Stith stock with the original and removed the Jewel Trigger and sent it to VGW for them to install in my new one. I know that the Remington has a good home!
My gun is due some time in January. There is an INDOOR 50yd range c/w benches pretty close to the house. Guess where I'll be spending quite a bit of time (and money)! I have some ELEY target and SK rifle match along with some Center-X and ELEY Black Box which the 40X liked. The more information everyone adds, the better it'll be for the rest of us waiting......

All this is VERY exciting! I think I said earlier that I sold my 40X back to the gentleman who sold it to me. You could say that I was caretaker of the piece for 3 years and enjoyed every minute of it. It was time to move on and I couldn't afford both so I replaced the Don Stith stock with the original and removed the Jewel Trigger and sent it to VGW for them to install in my new one. I know that the Remington has a good home!
My gun is due some time in January. There is an INDOOR 50yd range c/w benches pretty close to the house. Guess where I'll be spending quite a bit of time (and money)! I have some ELEY target and SK rifle match along with some Center-X and ELEY Black Box which the 40X liked. The more information everyone adds, the better it'll be for the rest of us waiting......

Ammo is getting harder to come by most site are looking a back orders into January I did stock up before things got crazy and I don’t have a problem with the prices of the Midas and some of the others , but I need to find something just for trigger and glass time that will give above average groups . So watch for me to tell you what I’m finding .
I will sometimes shot 200 rounds on a outing between 50 100 on targets 200 and 300 yds mostly just on steel , just to make the center fire guys shake there heads , they will ask me what are you shooting 22LR next question now far can a 22LR shot and I answer haven’t you read the box a mile and we laugh, I dial up for the 300 yds plate and send one down and tell them to wait for it .. ping, the funnies one I have tricked out 10-22 that I can triple tap the 300 yds plate can’t get 4 yet. I the past 2 year I have seen more 22LR on the line than the last 10 years.
Yes T_Hammer, the advent of precision rifles like the V-22 have increased the demand for precision ammo by nearly an order of magnitude. That increase in demand would be hard enough for SK/Lapua, Eley, RWS, etc to keep up with, but then when you consider the decrease in production of match ammo due to the effects of covid, and we're screwed. I bought a good quantity of SK & Lapua ammo a couple of years ago, and then got so busy with farm work last season that I found it very difficult to get away to shoot the practical/tactical 22RF matches I'd been enjoying. So while I certainly miss shooting with the guys I'd been competing with, it will allow me to stretch my limited supply of ammo out quite a bit. Maybe by the time I start to run low, the pandemic will fade into the past like a bad dream, and production will come closer to being able to meet the demand for good match ammo...
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Hey Guys,
Well, it’s time to start this thread. As I go forward with this, you’ll note, as I’ve been doing lately, that I’ll be speaking a bit more candidly. There are a few reasons for this, but the greatest of them being to keep information relevant. What you can expect to see within the next few days are the first builds on the new three lug action and I’ll provide details regarding the approach to what we’ve done and why we’ve done it.

I received an email from Fabio of Flavio Fare this morning and he had good news. His area within Italy will be “unlocked,” as he termed it, on 4May, so the few remaining things he needs from suppliers will be available again. We finalized the artwork on the triggers and if you guys are interested, I’ll post the renderings, but, as much as I’ve messed 😜with you guys lately I don’t want to frustrate anyone any further than I did with the barrel slugging thing over the weekend.

So, standby and I’ll edit this opening post with quite a few detailed pics of individual parts and the first of the newly built rifles.

Editing to add, we’re not accepting orders yet, but still maintaining the list. Everyone on the list will be notified and I’ll make an announcement here as well when the switch is flipped. If you’d like to be on the list, email [email protected].


Well that kinda sucks... just bought a rifle from you guys 2-3 weeks ago lol
Had I known this info, I probably would’ve waited.
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I'll bite.

1. I'm looking for a setup that's similar to a 3 position rifle like an older Anschutz 54 1413. I have a couple of them that I like and shoot better than my more modern 1907 in a 1914 stock. Iron sights, butt hook, thumbhole or similar stock, accessory rail on underside of the forearm for a handstop. I'm waiting for the faster twist, longer barrels. Would most likely choose the Ace barrel. For 3 position, I prefer the trigger to be about 8 to 12 ounces. I'd also like to scope it for some longer range shooting. I'm looking at Trijicon, NF, S&B, but haven't decided yet. I'm not happy with my Vortex PST Gen II at the moment.
2. I shoot 3 position at my local club and also an iron sight only silhouette match at another club (max distance 100m/109yd). I also would like to attempt some longer range F-class style shooting since I'll have 500 yards available. I'm not aware of any NRL22 or 22 F-class competitions near my area, but open to trying it if I find one.
3. I'll probably try an F-class style bipod and rear bag for the longer range shooting. I have a caldwell rest that's shit and a bear to be consistent. Haven't looked at better rests yet.
4. I have a pretty good selection of older SK, Wolf, RWS, Lapua, and Eley on hand. If they don't work, or they run out, I'm about 2.5 hours away from the Lapua test facility at Cardinal Center in Marengo, OH. I plan to take my future Vudoo and Anschutz rifles there for testing. I'm also not to far from the National Matches at Camp Perry and I stock up on various ammo every year.

This leads me to ask if there are Remington 700 footprint stocks available that suit themselves to 3 position shooting? My only complaint with the older Anschutz rifles is the reach when single loading in prone. What will the reach look like in a Vudoo with some type of 3 position stock? The reach on my 1907 is better and I can keep position more consistently, but for whatever reason I don't shoot it as well as the older rifles (not ammo related, shoots Eley Tenex well from a rest).

It might be asking a lot of a single gun, but I'm curious if the single shot adapter is removable, how easy it's removable, and/or if a single shot adapter magazine can be used? I'd still like to be able to use the gun as a repeater with 10 or 15 shot magazines.

I'm anxious to see the data on the faster twist barrels too. How long of a barrel can I go and at what twist rate? Can I go up to 24 or 26 inches? Or should I stick with the 22 inches discussed elsewhere and get a bloop tube?

I'm exited! Good job MB on pushing RF to another level!

Can't wait for economy to get back on track so I can get my Vudoo. Holding every penny I got until I know my job will be secure.

I’m about 2.5-3 hours away from the lapua test center as well near Pittsburgh. You near there? I’m always looking for new local people to talk to, go shooting with, bounce ideas off, etc...
Have any of you 22 s owners sent your rifles into lapua test center before getting rifle? I have always shot 10x in my match bench rifles and it has always worked, but lot testing at factory center is an idea.Will lapua shoot better then eley 10x in single shot vudoo. Never had a bad lot of 10x ,not saying it is better.
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bast0573 - Kind of strange that you feel the purchase of a V-22 repeater 'sucks' because VGW announced the availability of their new single shot BR/F-Class action. You do realize the info on the new action was out there back in April? And that the intended purpose of the new single shot action is quite different than that of the original repeater? What was your intended use of the V-22 repeater that you just purchased? If you were looking for a single shot target action in the first place, it's a little hard to understand how you managed to miss the announcement of the V-22S, along with all the talk about it on several shooting forums online....

My V-22S full build arrived yesterday. I picked it up at my FFL and began the process of inspection, scope and tuner installation, and initial testing. All aspects of “day one” proceeded smoothly and the “proof of the pudding”, i.e., precision/accuracy testing was truly impressive.

My V-22S is a single purpose build benchrest rifle intended to shoot primarily at 50 yards but, from time to time out to 100 yards. I intend to shoot both postal, club and sanctioned benchrest matches.

My build specs include a V-22S action, a Shilen 24” Ratchet barrel, Flavio Fare trigger all housed in a McMillan Edge stock. I added a Mueller 40X56mm scope (that will soon be replaced with either a Nightforce Precision Benchrest or Sightron SIII SS) and a J N L PRXIII tuner that I borrowed until my Harrell’s is refitted for the Shilen barrel.

The custom paint on the stock draws attention to the manufacturer by contrasting the glossy black stock with VGW’s unique company logo that Paul, Mike and I discussed earlier in the year. I think the paint met all of our expectations.

I scoped the bore and chamber and, as expected, both were pristine. I did run a wet and dry patch through the barrel on general principal.

The barrel to muzzle length and tuner opening were measured and used to feed the Purdy Prescription which calculates physical (overall) length for initial tuner setup.

The next step was setting the rifle on my one-piece rest, getting a rough zero and shooting both Eley Match and Lapua Midas +. I think the Shilen Ratchet on my new rifle is a good one as even the first few rounds were “hole in a hole” impacts.

The final activity for the day was to shoot a few five-round groups (Lapua Midas +) and begin refine the tuner settings. Three groups were shot, one at 200, 210 and 220 tuner setting. Center-to-Center groups were 0.143”, 0.171” and 0.183”.

I’m VERY impressed with these initial groups and look forward to my next range day to continue refining the set-up. If all goes well this rifle may even begin competing in a few ARA Indoor Matches.
All I can say is.. Oh My. Setup looks well planned out.
One question I’m sure everyone is wanting to ask is .. how do you keep your bench so clean.
So for the moment .. was worth the wait ?
Matt, I sent my original V-22 repeater out to the test center in Mesa, Az. in February of 2019, and was pleased enough with the results to buy a couple of cases of what I felt was the best lot of Center-X that Daniel shot in my rifle. That ammo has consistently out-performed any of the other SK or Lapua ammo that I've shot through not only this rifle, but also in my other two V-22s.

I'm close to finishing a Shilen ratchet rifled select match R5 contour for my V-22S action - need to cut the extractor grooves and can then torque it into the action and get some rounds fired. Lapua prefers that you break-in a 22RF bbl with at least 500rds - preferably 1000rds - before sending or bringing a rifle in to be tested, so I'll be doing some testing here at home before sending mine to be tested. I'll need to do so not only to break the bbl in, but also to get a Pro-X tuner adjusted. They also recommend that if you intend to shoot the rifle with a tuner, that you leave it on the bbl when sending it to the test center. So - since I don't have access to an indoor 100yd range - I'm hoping that we have some decent weather so I can accomplish all the shooting I need to get done before sending the bbl'd action out to Mesa. If timing works out, I'd like to take the V-22S out to Mesa myself for a nice mid-winter break in sunny Arizona, but chances of that working out are pretty iffy - and it's a lot less expensive & stressful with the covid situation to just box it up securely and ship it out via UPS.
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My V-22S full build arrived yesterday. I picked it up at my FFL and began the process of inspection, scope and tuner installation, and initial testing. All aspects of “day one” proceeded smoothly and the “proof of the pudding”, i.e., precision/accuracy testing was truly impressive.

My V-22S is a single purpose build benchrest rifle intended to shoot primarily at 50 yards but, from time to time out to 100 yards. I intend to shoot both postal, club and sanctioned benchrest matches.

My build specs include a V-22S action, a Shilen 24” Ratchet barrel, Flavio Fare trigger all housed in a McMillan Edge stock. I added a Mueller 40X56mm scope (that will soon be replaced with either a Nightforce Precision Benchrest or Sightron SIII SS) and a J N L PRXIII tuner that I borrowed until my Harrell’s is refitted for the Shilen barrel.

The custom paint on the stock draws attention to the manufacturer by contrasting the glossy black stock with VGW’s unique company logo that Paul, Mike and I discussed earlier in the year. I think the paint met all of our expectations.

I scoped the bore and chamber and, as expected, both were pristine. I did run a wet and dry patch through the barrel on general principal.

The barrel to muzzle length and tuner opening were measured and used to feed the Purdy Prescription which calculates physical (overall) length for initial tuner setup.

The next step was setting the rifle on my one-piece rest, getting a rough zero and shooting both Eley Match and Lapua Midas +. I think the Shilen Ratchet on my new rifle is a good one as even the first few rounds were “hole in a hole” impacts.

The final activity for the day was to shoot a few five-round groups (Lapua Midas +) and begin refine the tuner settings. Three groups were shot, one at 200, 210 and 220 tuner setting. Center-to-Center groups were 0.143”, 0.171” and 0.183”.

I’m VERY impressed with these initial groups and look forward to my next range day to continue refining the set-up. If all goes well this rifle may even begin competing in a few ARA Indoor Matches.
Looks great, well thought out. Good luck and enjoy.
All I can say is.. Oh My. Setup looks well planned out.
One question I’m sure everyone is wanting to ask is .. how do you keep your bench so clean.
So for the moment .. was worth the wait ?
I had plenty of time to develop my initial plan and it went smoothly, maybe except for the tuner - my Harrell's needs a little attention to fitment but luckily, my shooting buddy was willing to take the tuner off his Turbo until I can fit my Harrell's.

Clean Bench ... Laugh-Out-Loud!!!

In all honesty, the wait was painful at times but I always consoled myself by saying that I knew Vudoo well enough that any delays would result in a better end result. I think Ravage88 has made several comments about it being "right" before it would ship. I also realized that the pain of waiting would quickly disappear once the rifle was in-hand.

So, Yes ... the wait was worth it. I think those readers who have orders pending will be very happy when their number comes up!!!
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bast0573 - Kind of strange that you feel the purchase of a V-22 repeater 'sucks' because VGW announced the availability of their new single shot BR/F-Class action. You do realize the info on the new action was out there back in April? And that the intended purpose of the new single shot action is quite different than that of the original repeater? What was your intended use of the V-22 repeater that you just purchased? If you were looking for a single shot target action in the first place, it's a little hard to understand how you managed to miss the announcement of the V-22S, along with all the talk about it on several shooting forums online....
I didn’t even see it on their site. I went back to the site and looked and it’s definitely on there. I just completely missed it and read about it yesterday on here.
I missed it on the forums because I get on here about 20 mins a week. I own a business and a single dad with full custody of 3 daughters. I ordered the rifle over the phone in between jobs. Without a doubt, my mistake missing that info. Would’ve loved to have caught that info before, but looks like I now have a reason to buy yet another rifle.

And just to be clear, owning a vudoo doesn’t “suck” by any means. I typed that just kinda laughing at myself and trying to avoid crying for missing out on that. I’m still psyched for it!
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My V-22S full build arrived yesterday. I picked it up at my FFL and began the process of inspection, scope and tuner installation, and initial testing. All aspects of “day one” proceeded smoothly and the “proof of the pudding”, i.e., precision/accuracy testing was truly impressive.

My V-22S is a single purpose build benchrest rifle intended to shoot primarily at 50 yards but, from time to time out to 100 yards. I intend to shoot both postal, club and sanctioned benchrest matches.

My build specs include a V-22S action, a Shilen 24” Ratchet barrel, Flavio Fare trigger all housed in a McMillan Edge stock. I added a Mueller 40X56mm scope (that will soon be replaced with either a Nightforce Precision Benchrest or Sightron SIII SS) and a J N L PRXIII tuner that I borrowed until my Harrell’s is refitted for the Shilen barrel.

The custom paint on the stock draws attention to the manufacturer by contrasting the glossy black stock with VGW’s unique company logo that Paul, Mike and I discussed earlier in the year. I think the paint met all of our expectations.

I scoped the bore and chamber and, as expected, both were pristine. I did run a wet and dry patch through the barrel on general principal.

The barrel to muzzle length and tuner opening were measured and used to feed the Purdy Prescription which calculates physical (overall) length for initial tuner setup.

The next step was setting the rifle on my one-piece rest, getting a rough zero and shooting both Eley Match and Lapua Midas +. I think the Shilen Ratchet on my new rifle is a good one as even the first few rounds were “hole in a hole” impacts.

The final activity for the day was to shoot a few five-round groups (Lapua Midas +) and begin refine the tuner settings. Three groups were shot, one at 200, 210 and 220 tuner setting. Center-to-Center groups were 0.143”, 0.171” and 0.183”.

I’m VERY impressed with these initial groups and look forward to my next range day to continue refining the set-up. If all goes well this rifle may even begin competing in a few ARA Indoor Matches.
View attachment 7481011
Go with night force bench rest own both sightron and several NF including the 10x55 comp model. The couple 12x42 benchrest models cost almost half as much as my NF competition . In my view the bench rest models have way better glass with the huge ocular. Shot them all from 50 yard 22 bench rest to 1000 f/class .
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^^^ This - there's a good chance you won't lose anything but a week or two of time if you change your order for a V-22 repeater to a V-22S single shot. But you know they're each designed for a whole different type of shooting; decide what's most important to you - a repeater for practical/tactical competition & training, or a single shot for BR & F-Class prone.
I'll be head-over-heels happy if mine does that well at 100 - what ammo were you shooting?

UPS made an abortive 'attempt' to deliver this Kestros stock yesterday; came back today while I was in town for lunch and left it sitting at the front door. If the weather is decent tomorrow, I'm going to take a day off from watching the GPS steer the tractor over the field and go shoot mine...if not, we'll just keep on burning diesel fuel.


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I'll be head-over-heels happy if mine does that well at 100 - what ammo were you shooting?

UPS made an abortive 'attempt' to deliver this Kestros stock yesterday; came back today while I was in town for lunch and left it sitting at the front door. If the weather is decent tomorrow, I'm going to take a day off from watching the GPS steer the tractor over the field and go shoot mine...if not, we'll just keep on burning diesel fuel.
Looking forward to seeing what you can do with it.
You will need to remind us of the setup , this was just a V22S action correct the rest is yours.
I'll be head-over-heels happy if mine does that well at 100 - what ammo were you shooting?

UPS made an abortive 'attempt' to deliver this Kestros stock yesterday; came back today while I was in town for lunch and left it sitting at the front door. If the weather is decent tomorrow, I'm going to take a day off from watching the GPS steer the tractor over the field and go shoot mine...if not, we'll just keep on burning diesel fuel.

Very nice're one of the very few outside Vudoo to properly build a rifle that we don't have to re-barrel, and this includes "big name" BR "smiths".... 👊

I'll be head-over-heels happy if mine does that well at 100 - what ammo were you shooting?

UPS made an abortive 'attempt' to deliver this Kestros stock yesterday; came back today while I was in town for lunch and left it sitting at the front door. If the weather is decent tomorrow, I'm going to take a day off from watching the GPS steer the tractor over the field and go shoot mine...if not, we'll just keep on burning diesel fuel.
Looking forward to hearing about this one!
great looking rifle ,what were conditions like?

No wind flags. Because it was a DNR range I was shooting through sewer tubes behind a huge berm so I could not read the wind at all, which was anything from stiff and switching to non existent. :)

Otherwise nice day… 60゚ and Sunny.
By the way, still waiting and waiting. Each time I call the story changes. Spoke with Jill and the latest is that it may ship next week. My assessment is that Jill is correct and should get the gun before Christmas.

Snips and snails and puppy-dogs' tails
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