I requested my Benchmark at 26". They told me it slugged tightest at 25" so that's what I got. Also, I used the "Purdy Method" to set my tuner and it's been working just fine for me. I guess there are some guys on here who take this hobby/sport more serious than others and that's great. I appreciate those guys sharing their information with people like me, however I really don't think it's necessary to bad-mouth the guys that are less knowledgeable. I always thought the object behind any sport/hobby was t have fun and enjoy what you're doing. We all would like to shoot 250/25's or 2500's. We also know that's not how it works so we keep trying which is why we're all here. I think I'm at a point now that when I miss I know it's ME not the equipment (or maybe a flyer

) Tomorrow is another day...we'll try it again...
Just my $.02