When this country was founded you had to own property and be male to vote. That alone would solve 99 percent of the problems in this country.
In many regards, I agree.
I would comfortable with anyone who pays taxes having a vote, after all, if you're not paying into the system, why should you decide what to do with the money of others. The federal government has no money of it's own, it belongs to taxpayers.
Though I'd also be quite comfortable with property ownership also being a requirement.
Something so those on the public teet don't continue to vote themselves "raises".
There is so much that we could fix in this nation if we returned to our Christian heritage.
No less than Founding Father John Adams said “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.
It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
So many of the things we see our government now passing laws, and taking away our Constitutional liberties, were not a problem when we had a national faith based on the 10 Commandments. Once a nation turns from God, it needs laws to try and regulate man's moral character.
Such laws always fail, look at inner city Chicago's gun laws, and the astronomical murder rate in the inner city. Because of the actions of a lawless people, the entire state of law abiding individuals must suffer. This will be how we lose our rights, one law at a time. As elements of society become more and more corrupt, so are more and more laws passed in a mistaken attempt to regulate it. I read an article in the New Yorker today where the writer scorned the Chick-fil-A restaurant chain for it's "pervasive Christian traditionalism". And that attitude is taught to our children in schools and popular media. Attacking businesses, and then individuals for their Christian faith, while all forms of perversion are "celebrated" is the new paradigm, and sadly, the new instruction given in popular media, and in our schools and collages.
I'm seeking not only a gun friendly area, with long distance rifle off my back porch is possible, but also just as much an area that respects the concepts and precepts that our great nation was founded upon, and has not been tainted with the stain of political correctness. In other words, I'm seeking the American of my forefathers.
I debated staying and fighting the good fight, but I see so many, so very many, eagerly grabbing onto the new world order, selling their rights and souls for a basket of government bread. I have free copies of our Constitution sitting in my waiting room, perhaps 1 out of 50 people bother to take it, and almost no one asks or talks about it. It's sad, I can remember seeing our Constitution framed and hanging on walls while growing up, like the sacred document it is. Now a days, it's considered a "living document", rather than something written in stone, natural rights given to us by our Creator, to be guaranteed, not granted by government. Guess that's the same for the 10 Commandments as well, man's "wisdom" has made us a foolish nation.
So I'm ready to shake the proverbial dust off my feet for my home state and people so eager to become slaves of big government.
Now, back to finding the right location for myself and my family...