After a day of running these at a match, and an evening of glassing up squirrels, here are my thoughts.
A little back ground, i ran swaro el ranges, then zeiss rf binos for a year, then geovid 3200.coms, then geovid pros for a year. The zeiss had the best glass to my eye. The geovid pro’s had the best ballistic system and kestrel integration.
This was all until the vectronix. Side by side i much prefer the vectronix over the leicas. The detail they pick up is far better, the focus is extremely forgiving, and i notice very little distortion. From recollection, they are as good if not better than the zeiss.
The lazer is much easier to use then the leicas and was able to laze smaller targets at further distances. One today was a 66% ipcs at 1019yards, and a bear target about the same size, same yardage. Both were in a shadowed tree line. Also did very well picking us small targets 3-4” at 400-600 yards. Basically everything today was easily ranged.
I felt little to no eye fatigue after using them all day, easily spotted trace, and bullet impacts in dark wet dirt at 800 yards.
I run a leofoto ma30 head, and don't find these to work well with the head based off of the positioning of the arca mount, but i picked up a rrs scout head, and feel this is a fantastic solution. It makes it very simple to pan to different targets with one hand.
Any reservations i had about these were for not, and i am extremely pleased with the purchase. I look forward to many years of use.