I have to admit, want a trophy, there are much less expensive ways to get one. (As in go to a trophy shop). The real win is to compete against yourself. Working to get better, working to score a higher percentage. Seeing your improvements and enjoying the ride. True, 80% of us are never going to win, and in the end, having multiple classes, means, for the people who actually win, its an empty victory. Myself, I revel when I exceed my expectations. And yes being a Senior Olympic cyclist, I have a wall full of medals. But, what I remember is not getting a medal, its the day I set a personal best, quickest time and fastest average speed, the day, I made the sharp turn at 40mph on a rain slick road, (scared the shit out of me but i made it) they day, I shot 72% in a match, That’s where the 80% wins
Frankly brother, if you have to have a trophy, you’re in the wrong room.
I know I sound harsh and apologize in advance, but its not the medals, its the memories, its the accomplishements
All this, without the memories of accomplishment is just cloth ribbon and pot medal
Frankly brother, if you have to have a trophy, you’re in the wrong room.
I know I sound harsh and apologize in advance, but its not the medals, its the memories, its the accomplishements
All this, without the memories of accomplishment is just cloth ribbon and pot medal