How has your mail service been lately? USPS thread


May 28, 2023
Have you noticed a significant drop in reliability of the Usps? Strange tracking updates of a package out for delivery, then suddenly goiing to
Walla-Walla Wa. This photo was posted on reddit today. The mail people are screeching about the photo being taken.

Absolutely. The PO has sucked bad for the last 2 years or so. Very slow service when (if) it actually gets there. Half my packages out of St. Louis are misdirected. Latest one arrived in Kansas City to be delivered there. KC sent it to California.
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Georgia mail service ranks last in the nation behind all states and territories according to the USPS Inspector General.

They suck.

It saddens me since my dad is a retiree of both the Army and the USPS. The postal service is not the same organization as when he worked there.

A travesty as the Postal Clause to the Constitution makes it a basic government responsibility.
I have a customer right now that sent a package through USPS and it's floating around somewhere in Oklahoma not really moving at all. Might be time I tell folks not to ship USPS anymore, which is sad because my carrier that delivers to me is great, and she cares, but it doesn't matter that she cares when there are 500 others that don't give a damn about doing their job. And the people that don't care, wonder why companies are trying to automate everything.
Dejoy has not been a net benefit to the post office. I have often wondered what he is getting for taking the job in the first place. Pay wise it was a huge cut. It is my opinion he is doing a job for someone, or a group of someones. Maybe to make things so bad it will have us agreeing to a resolution that will shortly show itself to be a negative for us the customer while Dejoy enjoys his new yacht.
Our normal mail carrier is great, 100% reliable. But he doesn’t work every day and his fill ins suck and are very unreliable. Three weeks ago we had a package that said it was delivered, but it wasn’t. I have a doorbell camera and there was no package delivered that day. It was a fill in, not my normal carrier. I went in person and talked to a supervisor who was able to see the gps location of where it was scanned as delivered. The supervisor told me it didn’t show what she needed to see; my carrier translated that to the truth which was the stand in scanned it in front of someone else’s house and who knows where he dropped it, which means it’s at someone else’s house who hasn’t returned it. I doubt we will ever see it again.
Why the fuck do we still have a post office bleeding taxpayers as they operate at a deficit when we have multiple private companies that offer the same service. All bills can be paid electronically and nothing good comes in the mail. Close that motherfucker down and get rid of one more useless incompetent .gov department with a ton of entitled unfirable employees.
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Shit..... Mailed a receiver to Mike at TacOps for a rifle build. Two day Priority with tracking..... Went into never never land for THREE weeks. Spent hours on the phone with the chimps trying to find it. Thank God, out of nowhere, it showed up at his location. They never put the postage sticker on it while I was standing at the counter..... Unbelievable. If it's not a letter use UPS or FEDEX.
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Had a response typed out, but then decided to do a quick research. Found two interesting articles from two different perspectives, both worthy of a read through even if the first link makes you cringe a little. The USPS can be fixed, but is our gov boot-strappy enough to fix the problems? I will say no and we'll eventually see the USPS be replaced by privatization.

USPS Rank and File Committee article

Privatizing the USPS
The USPS here in Idaho Falls seems to be ok. The mail lady hits the brakes and gas like she is auto crossing between boxes. Maybe she is humming the Speed Racer theme and enjoying herself.
Sadly it’s nothing new. I order about 30k 9mm projectiles each year. Shipper uses USPS large flat rate as 3k weighs less than 70 lbs. About every other shipment I have to pick up at the PO. Carrier will leave a note that package exceeds weight limit.

Every time I go to the PO and ask them to weigh the box. Always under 70. I ask why it wasn’t delivered and the clerks typically mumble something about injuries. One clerk said, “We have some pretty sorry employees.”
In the OP picture I see a large percentage of poofy flexible mail bags. I think I'll stick with envelopes and rigid(ish) cardboard boxes. As well as FeEx/UPS.

And our femailman does do a great job, the fill ins not so much.

Thank you,
Sadly it’s nothing new. I order about 30k 9mm projectiles each year. Shipper uses USPS large flat rate as 3k weighs less than 70 lbs. About every other shipment I have to pick up at the PO. Carrier will leave a note that package exceeds weight limit.

Every time I go to the PO and ask them to weigh the box. Always under 70. I ask why it wasn’t delivered and the clerks typically mumble something about injuries. One clerk said, “We have some pretty sorry employees.”
About 50/50 here for me also on USPS mailed projectiles. But to be fair, the “mail lady” is about 75 yrs old and weighs about 90# soaking wet.

Last big order of ammo came UPS. The driver knocked in the door and asked if I wanted it placed directly onto my own dolly.”, because he knew I would put it on one to roll it in after he was gone.
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The USPS here in Idaho Falls seems to be ok. The mail lady hits the brakes and gas like she is auto crossing between boxes. Maybe she is humming the Speed Racer theme and enjoying herself.
When I first moved out to the sticks here, our road was gravel. The old man that delivered our mail drove like that. Lock up the brakes approaching the mailbox, then the one tire fire heading to the next one. I'd go out there every couple days with a rake and fill in the rut he was making. Every time he had to deliver a stock, or some other box that wouldn't fit in my mailbox, he would bitch at me every, single, time, that I needed to get a bigger mailbox. Then he retired, or moved to another route, and I got a different guy, who would just lean the boxes against the mailbox at the street....50 yards or so in front of the house. He once stuck a box in the mailbox that stuck out into the street about 2 feet.

Like I said in an earlier post though, my carrier now is fantastic. She cares, she's super nice, has really, really nice big boobs. lol. I get along great with all my deliver services that come out here. The only ones I never really get to build a great relationship with is fedex. They change drivers every couple months, so I never really get to know them.
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In the OP picture I see a large percentage of poofy flexible mail bags. I think I'll stick with envelopes and rigid(ish) cardboard boxes. As well as FeEx/UPS.

And our femailman does do a great job, the fill ins not so much.

Thank you,
our femail goes to gaza for vacation and training , i stopped saying hello months ago
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Mine is pretty much normal, although I don't have a lot of volume. Much of what I do is "electronic" (e-bills, etc.). That said, I'm a little "sus" that my letter carrier may be anti-gun. I subscribe to the USPS's "Informed Delivery" services. They "scan" images of the mail pieces on the day they are scheduled for delivery so that you know what to expect for that day. It's funny, but it always seems as though any mail piece from GOA or 2AF or any 2A organization never seems to arrive on the day I see the scan. It always appears to be a day or two late. The carrier knows she can't *not* deliver it (i.e make it disappear) as the website has a check box that says "I didn't receive this mail piece." She'd be in deep shiznit if that kept happening. But she can make me wait a day or two for the items. Furthermore, sometimes, I'll go out to the box and stand next to it, expecting her to hand me the day's mail directly. She goes right by me on the truck and puts in in the mail box and slams it shut. :mad:
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Check I mailed to a forum member. I canceled it, but haven't contacted USPS just to see what happens with it. It's $9 of cheap entertainment that pisses me off when I actually stop and think about it

For about four years now, I have had every single package coming and going to/from my residence that has gone through UPS, USPS, or FedEx,( but not Amazon) opened, sorted, tape together back like an autistic second grader. In some cases they actually remove the manufacturer filler and replace it with USPS filler .
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my local PO staff and delivery people are exc. no complaints there. however,it seems that the jax,fl center is over run with sloppy incompetents. i use priority for a lot of stuff and it gets lost and misdirected about 1/2 the time. their attempt at increased efficiency is a joke. if i send a letter to a town 15m away,it goes to jax,about 100m away and then back. incompetent management on roids. i always over insure. had 1 claim years ago that the post mistress helped me resolve. really don't want to have to do that in the current climate. UPS is rather more reliable here and fed ex about the same as PO. think we are stuck with what we have.
My USPS mail flows through Richmond VA even though I am quite a ways away from there.
The USPS problems in VA have been in local news for over a year now
Even the VA state government has gotten involved to try and fix it

My local mail carriers are pretty good, not too many complaints with them, the problems are where the mail travels before it gets to them. I have had a lot of packages with the tracking showing it going to the wrong place, then 2 weeks later it comes back.

With the number of packages I receive I have not lost any completely lately, just delays of 2 weeks or so are regular now.
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We had a great mail lady, until she changed routes. She'd bring Milk Bones for our dogs, they'd slobber all over her and she loved it. If a package needed a signature, she'd sign my name and leave it if we weren't home. (Rural area and we have a tote for the purpose.)

Our new mail lady isn't bad really. She's afraid of our dogs, won't get out of her car until we get them in the house. Granted she's in her 70's and about 90 lbs.

Packages can get hung up at the DC in Detroit, whether inbound or outbound. But our biggest problem is with fill-ins. 1 in particular is useless as tits on a bull. She just plain will not deliver packages, even ones that would fit in our mailbox. We have 'informed delivery' too. If it shows 5 letters, and have a fill-in that day, we're lucky to get 2.
Sent a registered return receipt letter to our second home in the country addressed to the deceased owners two owners ago.

There was a car that was given to the previous owner from the previous owner and the car was never re-titled, a real barn find
a 1980 RX7 with 13000 miles.

DMV required that a registered letter be mailed to the original owner and the sealed undeliverable letter be mailed to the DMV so that we may title the car in our name.

The letter is sent and a few weeks later USPS informed delivery service shows a picture of the letter being returned to me with other mail for that days mail delivery.

Except it never gets delivered.

Go to the post office complain, they tell me to go online and start a mail search and I do.

After a month of nothing we decide it would be better to just send another letter and so we send registered return receipt letter number two.

Well as madness rules, letter number two gets lost. It made it to the small post office in the country they
attempted delivery and sent it back to us but we never received it.

The wife and me were livid, we were like screw getting a title for the car in the barn.

4 months later we get both letters.
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Sadly it’s nothing new. I order about 30k 9mm projectiles each year. Shipper uses USPS large flat rate as 3k weighs less than 70 lbs. About every other shipment I have to pick up at the PO. Carrier will leave a note that package exceeds weight limit.

Every time I go to the PO and ask them to weigh the box. Always under 70. I ask why it wasn’t delivered and the clerks typically mumble something about injuries. One clerk said, “We have some pretty sorry employees.”
You can push this issue, my shooting and reloading buddy, caused a big deal over bullet deliveries. They wouldn't deliver them and the PO was closed by the time he got off work, he filed a complaint with the Post Master and at the Regional level and they now promptly deliver.
A while back I ordered a part for my Stribog. It came out of Estonia. The package arrived in CA., made it through customs. From there to JAX (I am close to Tampa), then to Miami. Each time it sat for 3-4 days. When it took 4 days to travel from Jax to Mia I actually asked them if they bothered looking for the lost driver. I was then told it was denied by customs.?.?
The shocking thing is that my package changed shape based on their info. From a 6x6x.75" little box to a 9x19,2.5" box. From there it went to Jamaica, NY, and back to Estonia. And no one in the USPS could give me any information at all.
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USPS sucks ass. Lost my rifle for 14 days and paid extra for it to be priority and they say to sad to bad we won’t refund your priority upgrade. At least it finally made it to its destination. But not without multiple phone calls and emails pushing for them to locate and either return it to me or deliver it.
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I have learned that UPS sure post, is a much better option than the normal usps clown show. Never an issue with the local PO but the hubs are beyond fucked up with thieves and fully staffed with the FSA (Free Shit Army) the laziest group of useless O2 sucking carbon units, on this rock.
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Georgia USPS local = great. USPS through Palmetto = sucks. Unfortunately, everything I send local USPS in GA ends up going through Palmetto gets lost/delayed. Bills were lost/late. We quit using mail for bills - all some form of digital now. Crap shoot getting packages.
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Georgia USPS local = great. USPS through Palmetto = sucks. Unfortunately, everything I send local USPS in GA ends up going through Palmetto gets lost/delayed. Bills were lost/late. We quit using mail for bills - all some form of digital now. Crap shoot getting packages.
yeah , i think it boils down to location location on how good or bad your service is ...i went from good NJ to bad FLA . Putting some things on auto pay really helps .
This is the tracking on the latest package I have had imported. on one hand it does not appear that bad. But then... Look at the loop it does from Tampa to PC to Riverview to Ybor City to Tampa to Ybor City Plant City. They added 3 days and a big circle to my delivery.

2024-08-22 13:42
PLANT CITY, FL 33565, Delivered, In/At Mailbox

2024-08-22 08:46
PLANT CITY, FL 33565, Out for Delivery

2024-08-22 08:35
PLANT CITY, FL 33566, Arrived at Post Office

2024-08-22 06:51
PLANT CITY, FL 33566, Arrived at USPS Facility

2024-08-22 05:47
In Transit to Next Facility

2024-08-22 05:25

2024-08-22 01:49

2024-08-22 01:12
TAMPA, FL 33610, Departed USPS Facility

2024-08-21 20:57
YBOR CITY FL PACKAGE SORTING CENTER, Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility

2024-08-20 09:56
RIVERVIEW, FL 33569, Processing at USPS Facility

2024-08-19 11:42
PLANT CITY, FL 33566, Accepted at USPS Destination Facility

2024-08-19 06:08
TAMPA, FL 33619, Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item

2024-08-17 17:43
AUSTELL, GA 30168, Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item

2024-08-16 23:45
AUSTELL, GA 30168, Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item

2024-08-15 22:38
Delivered to local carrier

2024-08-15 18:38
JAMAICA, NEWYORK, US, Departed from facility
I ordered a barrel from ACE in eastern WA. I live in western WA. ACE had the barrel ready for me in 3 weeks and shipped it.

I tracked to the Seattle depot and thought “awesome, I’ll have it by tomorrow”

Did t show the next day. Went to track it and it said it was being returned to ACE for unknown reason. Contacted ACE to let him know. Everyone there was awesome and extremely helpful. They got the returned barrel and reshipped it the same day.

2 days later, barrel says it’s in Seattle at the sorting facility. Guess what? Next day, it’s being returned to shipper for unknown reason!

This happened 3 times until I contacted the Postmaster at my USPS and he got involved. Barrel arrived the next day.
USPS sucks right now. ACE was amazing in doing whatever was needed to get the barrel to me.

Unfortunately because of the USPS bs, I missed the shooting program at JBLM by over a week and haven’t shot the barrel yet.
This is the tracking on the latest package I have had imported. on one hand it does not appear that bad. But then... Look at the loop it does from Tampa to PC to Riverview to Ybor City to Tampa to Ybor City Plant City. They added 3 days and a big circle to my delivery.

2024-08-22 13:42
PLANT CITY, FL 33565, Delivered, In/At Mailbox

2024-08-22 08:46
PLANT CITY, FL 33565, Out for Delivery

2024-08-22 08:35
PLANT CITY, FL 33566, Arrived at Post Office

2024-08-22 06:51
PLANT CITY, FL 33566, Arrived at USPS Facility

2024-08-22 05:47
In Transit to Next Facility

2024-08-22 05:25

2024-08-22 01:49

2024-08-22 01:12
TAMPA, FL 33610, Departed USPS Facility

2024-08-21 20:57
YBOR CITY FL PACKAGE SORTING CENTER, Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility

2024-08-20 09:56
RIVERVIEW, FL 33569, Processing at USPS Facility

2024-08-19 11:42
PLANT CITY, FL 33566, Accepted at USPS Destination Facility

2024-08-19 06:08
TAMPA, FL 33619, Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item

2024-08-17 17:43
AUSTELL, GA 30168, Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item

2024-08-16 23:45
AUSTELL, GA 30168, Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item

2024-08-15 22:38
Delivered to local carrier

2024-08-15 18:38
JAMAICA, NEWYORK, US, Departed from facility

I would run over to Plant City, have some Johnson BBQ and pick it up for you, but I’m OOT next week.
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I ordered a barrel from ACE in eastern WA. I live in western WA. ACE had the barrel ready for me in 3 weeks and shipped it.

I tracked to the Seattle depot and thought “awesome, I’ll have it by tomorrow”

Did t show the next day. Went to track it and it said it was being returned to ACE for unknown reason. Contacted ACE to let him know. Everyone there was awesome and extremely helpful. They got the returned barrel and reshipped it the same day.

2 days later, barrel says it’s in Seattle at the sorting facility. Guess what? Next day, it’s being returned to shipper for unknown reason!

This happened 3 times until I contacted the Postmaster at my USPS and he got involved. Barrel arrived the next day.
USPS sucks right now. ACE was amazing in doing whatever was needed to get the barrel to me.

Unfortunately because of the USPS bs, I missed the shooting program at JBLM by over a week and haven’t shot the barrel yet.

Do you believe it's because USPS is "anti-gun" that they returned the part to the shipper? Or somebody along the delivery chain is anti-gun? See my post above about my "letter carrier."
Do you believe it's because USPS is "anti-gun" that they returned the part to the shipper? Or somebody along the delivery chain is anti-gun? See my post above about my "letter carrier."
No from what I understand from someone that works for USPS is they are outsourcing with a shipping company and it’s really screwing them

It’s just a rumor I heard. Not 100% positive