What are you rifle specs?
Bipod and rear bag?
From a bench?
Whats your experience shooting tiny 22lr groups?
Weather conditions?
As much as everyone thinks they are gonna buy a barrel and shoot 6x5's in the .1's and .2's consistently like we have been posting, thats just not reality. There is a LOT more that goes into it. Proper chassis or bedded stock... Ive spent 10's of thousands on lot after lot of ammo. Scope with the proper reticle to ensure you hold the exact same spot every time. Extremely stable shooting position. Prone has always been more consistent than from a bench for me. While some are able to do it with heavier, very light trigger pull weight helped. Im set at 6oz on my TacSport Pro 2 stage.
How many lots of each ammo have you tested as well?
Seeing your targets would help as well. You can upload them to IMGUR and post the links like the rest of us do.
I shot 6x10's and my avgs were easily half of what youre reporting your 6x5's avg. Id suspect you have other factors compounding those results since your avg's are consistent across the board....
Rim X action.
Timney Calvin Elite 2 stage flat trigger adjusted to 8 oz. first stage and 12 oz. second stage.
MPA Hybrid chassis with bi-pod spigot and bag rider, action torqued to 65 in/lb in chassis.
KSA GM barrel 20" M-24 contour (your chamber) torqued to 45 ft/lb on action.
Leupold Mark 5 3.6-18X44 with TMR reticle in Leupold Mark 4 rings on 30 moa Zermatt base.
Shooting prone from the bi-pod and rear squeze bag.
Weather conditions were ideal both days I tested, 70 degrees, no wind, fairly low humidity.
I am not a professional shooter, but I have a good amount of experience with prone shooting and am pretty decent.
I shoot monthly local matches (centerfire) 200 yards out to a mile and usually place in the top 3 out of 50 or so shooters, sometimes I win. I am not a competitor, only shoot to improve my previous scores. I punch lots of paper and reload for everything I own for consistency and personal enjoyment.
I own a couple other rimfire rifles I dink around with punching paper mainly at 50 yards and 5 shot groups. My Tikka T1X set up almost identical to my Rim-X and a pretty bone stock CZ 457 SR with a trigger adjustment. The Tikka is regularly in the .3's with it's preferred ammo and the CZ in the .4's. I shoot suppressed and own several rimfire cans. I was shooting the TBAC 22 takedown for the testing with the KSA GM barrel. Also have a Dead Air Mask, Blackhawk Pulse, OSS Rad22, and an AAC Halcyon. The TBAC usually tightens up my groups, I thought about this while testing and fired a few groups without the can and like normal they seemed to open up a little, or stayed the same, without the can the groups certainly did not improve.
I don't own a camera or a phone that can take pictures to upload for you, sorry I am adverse to embracing the technology I guess.
Any advice you could give, I will take, I am here to learn from others what ever I can.