I covered this in the response:
We know that within the custom action and firearm industry there are thousands of options for stocks, barrels, triggers, etc. for people to choose from and utilize on their individual system. We don't offer barreled actions or full rifle systems for the simple reason that there are too many choices for all the other components and how they're produced. We have had success with this model in the past with our center fire actions so we maintained that model when designing and producing our rim fire actions. A lot of people want a unique rifle system so we give them that option. There's nothing wrong with controlling variables by offering a limited amount of variations, but that isn't our model so we don't do that.
Ultimately, our core competency is building actions. We've been so busy with that task over that past few years that there's not been a need for us to attempt to become a sole source for rifle systems. Not to mention, there are a lot of small shops across the country that benefit from us not offering barreled actions, rifle systems or even just barrels. If we become the one stop shop, we can negatively impact our dealers that have been loyal to us over the years. Taking the sale of a barrel or a trigger or a stock away from them would likely force them to drop our product all together which isn't good for any of the businesses involved. We trust in a lot of these shops to produce quality products for our end users and offer them at a reasonable price with solid support of the systems. Some are better than others and that's why there's a public forum for people to share their experiences with those shops.
If company A does something different than company B but they're both producing high quality products and satisfied customers, should either company change their model to reflect the other's? There's a reason we all exist and it's because this is a free market where we're left (mostly) to decide how we do things on our own. That's the beauty of our country, let's keep it that way.