Blue Mountain precision barrel
trigger tech diamond trigger
grey ops CNC weights
Atlas bipod
night force NX8 scope


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Has anyone on here used a Lothar Barrel blank on a RimX build?

My smith just sent me borescope of my new IBI blank that has about 5" of chatter and damage on the lands which he suggested I not use.
I have one of their prefits in 17 HM2. It was shooting 0.6 MOA groups at 100 with Hornady ammo. I have no complaints but I might have just got lucky.
I may have to look at the Razor Gen 3 or something else for more elevation.
If you plan on any rimfire competition, you might consider a lower-magnification optic for the reasons I outline in this post (and I have three gen-3 Razors). My buddy @Rob01 recommends the Zeiss S3 earlier in that thread - and they're on sale the rest of this week.

Plan for a total of 21-23 mils of elevation to get you to 400 yards. Farthest I've ever shot in a rimfire match was 415. Imo, hitting anything much smaller than a sheet of plywood past 450 yards is as much luck as anything else, so I've always been satisfied with a 30moa rail, which gets me to about 425, depending on ammo. Others like 40moa to get a little more dialed range. I personally don't want my rimfire scopes cranked so close to the "down" elevation limit and left there 99% of the time.

Good luck.
If you plan on any rimfire competition, you might consider a lower-magnification optic for the reasons I outline in this post (and I have three gen-3 Razors). My buddy @Rob01 recommends the Zeiss S3 earlier in that thread - and they're on sale the rest of this week.

Plan for a total of 21-23 mils of elevation to get you to 400 yards. Farthest I've ever shot in a rimfire match was 415. Imo, hitting anything much smaller than a sheet of plywood past 450 yards is as much luck as anything else, so I've always been satisfied with a 30moa rail, which gets me to about 425, depending on ammo. Others like 40moa to get a little more dialed range. I personally don't want my rimfire scopes cranked so close to the "down" elevation limit and left there 99% of the time.

Good luck.

I can assure you hitting targets WAY smaller than a sheet of plywood 4'x8' past 400yd is not luck at all if you know what your doing and are setup for it...

40moa rail and lots of elevation and quality, lot tested ammo is all it takes to bang steel at 500 and 600yd.. I've been doing it for years
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I can assure you hitting targets WAY smaller than a sheet of plywood 4'x8' past 400yd is not luck at all if you know what your doing and are setup for it...

40moa rail and lots of elevation and quality, lot tested ammo is all it takes to bang steel at 500 and 600yd.. I've been doing it for years
Ok I exaggerated. Some. I can bang steel at those ranges with a .22 too. If the steel is big enough and I can shoot at it enough times and/or there's no wind.

I have the privilege of shooting with some very talented competitors and, from well-supported positions, I can hang pretty close to any of them as far out as they want to shoot a .22. And at least one of them really likes to shoot 500+ yards. I just don't see the point in lobbing rounds to distances where the mildest puffs of breeze and/or the limits of .22LR ballistics reduce the chance of hitting an IPSC-size target to "luck" level.

To each his (or her) own.
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Ditto - as tough as it can be to find ammo good enough for decent groups at 200yds without sending a rifle out to Lapua, I don't have much desire to shoot past 300 with my Vudoos or Rim-X. To each his own, that's just how I feel about it.
Could go to Killough shooting sports and have them lot test with Eley. Or buy some different lots from them and test yourself.
You are correct sir. I used to use them a lot but stopped and misremembered why. I think I stopped because they were no longer able to do lot sampling. Where they would sell a pack of ammo with a 50rd box of each lot they had in stock. Now it seems like they just have what they have and you can buy it or not. And for Lapua it's not a lot. In fact I think they're currently out of stock on all Lapua rimfire. Kind of kills the idea of testing your own lots if you don't shoot Eley.
I believe the lot testing days are gone, unless you can use the distributor facilities. If Lapua becomes available and you want some, buy it
I have gotten Eley match from Killoughs.....10 lots, one box each to test, two times, in the past 6 months. Both times I found a great lot, BUT by the time I found a calm day to test and got back to them it was gone. Both times I bought the second best. Even so I have shot a 2350 ARA unlimited card with the second best. It is frustrating for sure. I went to the Lapua test center and found a lot, of Midas plus, that MAY be better than the Eley match I have. I have a case due Tuesday. We'll see.
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Good Shooting Inc. is definitely not out of business. I wish they would just buy the not-operational goodshooting domain.

Still my go-to supplier, although I have to wait sometimes for what I want. They have a test center page describing how to work with Lapua and Eley centers.
Ya, so mentioned previously.... besides sending your gun off to a test center, the days of casually lot testing your own ammo has become almost impossible.
Why is this happening? We are having problems picking up or finding ammunition. I remember a time we could find ammunition in the gas station located in the rural areas. The local hardware store, some corner grocery stores. Today we are finding it difficult finding ammunition in the gun shops or for that matter even on line. Where is it?
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I'd like to install my own pre-fit barrel. Is there a short list of top tier barrels? Question - I don't see a lot of threaded barrels, for the guys shooting PRS or NRL - what's the thought process of no suppressor? Just another added potential 'problem' or 'add-on' to complicate things?
I'd like to install my own pre-fit barrel. Is there a short list of top tier barrels? Question - I don't see a lot of threaded barrels, for the guys shooting PRS or NRL - what's the thought process of no suppressor? Just another added potential 'problem' or 'add-on' to complicate things?

I think the big issues with suppressors is the pairing with rimfire and how dirty they get quickly. Because of the rifle up starting position the debris from the suppressor can fall down into the chamber. Obviously this causes reliability and accuracy issues. Considering how quiet 22lr is already there isn't a huge benefit to running a can.
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New rimx owner here with proof 26 inch steel barrel with trigger tech diamond , put my first 300 rounds through it today,

very impressed so far and love the magazines ( I have a vudoo as well) .

couple questions

I had one round fail to fire , round in camber no firing pin strike , but not in bolt. Not sure exactly what happened. Was early on , I removed round and re used it , it fired. Never happened over next 200 plus rounds.

the bolt has a dark Extractor , the one supplied as spare is chrome. a number of videos call the dark one the “old one”, it’s brand new action just into country. Is is an old one ?

the rimx web site lists a Eley specific extractor , will standard one have issues with Eley or on only need this in specific instances

I will try different ammo this week but is the proof barrel designed for SK/lapua or Eley or universal ?

New rimx owner here with proof 26 inch steel barrel with trigger tech diamond , put my first 300 rounds through it today,

very impressed so far and love the magazines ( I have a vudoo as well) .

couple questions

I had one round fail to fire , round in camber no firing pin strike , but not in bolt. Not sure exactly what happened. Was early on , I removed round and re used it , it fired. Never happened over next 200 plus rounds.

the bolt has a dark Extractor , the one supplied as spare is chrome. a number of videos call the dark one the “old one”, it’s brand new action just into country. Is is an old one ?

the rimx web site lists a Eley specific extractor , will standard one have issues with Eley or on only need this in specific instances

I will try different ammo this week but is the proof barrel designed for SK/lapua or Eley or universal ?

Proof told me they designed it based on Lapua Center-X.
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I had one round fail to fire , round in camber no firing pin strike , but not in bolt. Not sure exactly what happened. Was early on , I removed round and re used it , it fired. Never happened over next 200 plus rounds.

the bolt has a dark Extractor , the one supplied as spare is chrome. a number of videos call the dark one the “old one”, it’s brand new action just into country. Is is an old one ?

the rimx web site lists a Eley specific extractor , will standard one have issues with Eley or on only need this in specific instances
With your failure to fire, it sounds like the round jumped in front of the bolt. Did you have to extract the round with a tool? If so, you won't see a strike on the case typically as the round is too far forward and you generally can't get the bolt fully closed. I would also look at the tensioner and extractor to make sure they didn't get chipped.

As far as the extractor, I have had better luck with the original vs the Eley one. I run the standard one and it runs like a zipper.

My two recommendations are to make sure you keep the chamber and breach face clean and to pay a lot of attention to the magazines. I have issues arise when my chamber is very dirty. Cleaning the chamber every match or two eliminates the issue. Note that I am not recommending cleaning the bore that frequently.

For the magazines, getting the height is critical. It's also important to not have the support bags load into the magazine as it will change the feed angle and cause issues.
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Which tuner is that?

I don't know what tuner he's using....but I was testing that Manzella barrels you just got from me with a Cortina V2 Tuner with 1/2-28 threads adapter. I really like them. No set screws and the setting stays in place.

Cortina V2 tuner

Thread adapter

I don't know what tuner he's using....but I was testing that Manzella barrels you just got from me with a Cortina V2 Tuner with 1/2-28 threads adapter. I really like them. No set screws and the setting stays in place.

Cortina V2 tuner

Thread adapter

Thanks padom.
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I got out twice in a week, first time that’s happened in FOREVER. 50 yard groups were good and I convinced the RO to let me shoot it at the 100 yard line too (our range doesn’t want 22lr skipping before the backstop so they generally don’t allow 22lr on the 100/200 yard range)

I dialed up 6.75 MOA and gave it just a bit of wind for the slight breeze and first shot landed just right of center. Next shot went just left of center before the final 3 pushed right again for a group just under an inch. I fired 3 more 5 shot groups and then finished with a 10 shot group. An average group size of under 1” at 100 yards with SK Match had me happy as can be. Watching thru the scope as those bullets come down into the target at 100 yards is kid level fun.


