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UPS man just dropped off the last order of reloading supplies I was looking for...Time to get busy... 17 Lbs of Hodgon H4350 powder ($285), 400 virgin Lapua brass cases ($400), 21 boxes of Berger 130gr. VLDs ($740), free time on the weekend to reload in the man cave (Priceless).

><><><><><><>Hmmm I could use All dat chit. What was your address again???*******:eek:
That's pretty awesome looking Steve !
Is that for a new gun ? 6.5x47L or .260 ?
If it is we now need pictures of it too ! ;)

BTW if its 6.5x47L the last 300 count batch of new Lapua I got was definitely on the edge of specs for neck tension had almost 6 thou. Check your neck dimension before seating a bullet and after you seat one. On my second fire it's about .002... Shot way better on the second fire. Just food for thought if your working up a load.
Travis says he's about a month out from having my new rifle ready (6.5x47 Lapua).... Not going to go nuts just yet on creating loads. I'm going to load up some ladder test rounds so I can take the rifle to my local range the same day I get the rifle from Rbros. I'll post up pictures on the Hide as soon as get it into my hands. Until then, I'm going crazy just waiting.
On Lapua brass for my Grendels, I find that the flash holes in the primer pockets are not uniform. Is this issue restricted only to the Grendel or small primer cases from Lapua, or does it happen with other calibers as well?

The fix is very easy, I just drill out the small ones to match up with the larger holes, and it only takes about a half second to drill out each one. My lake city brass doesn't have the same issue.

On another topic, does anyone have a pistol smith they would recommend in the Tacoma/south sound area who can install a high rise beavertail grip safety and cerekote a 1911 pistol? I'm hoping to find one person to do both jobs rather than have to mess with shipping or delivering and picking up for two different jobs.
Alan, Try contacting David Nielson at South Ridge Arms & Refinishing. Website is: South Ridge Arms Gun Repair and Refinishing Orting, Tacoma, and Seattle (253-576-7096). They're based in Orting. His shop has done quality work for me before.

I haven't drilled my primer pockets in my Lapua Grendel brass. But all new brass I get I will do a one time pass with my primer hole deburring tool. Not sure it helps, but it makes me feel good :).
Thanks for the Southridge referral..I'll check it out.

Here is the list for the 07 December 2013 rifle match. Plenty of room left because of the match in Eastern Washington. Best of luck to all going over to the steel shoot there.

Signup list for the 07 December 2013 practical rifle match. (Please let me know if I missed anyone)

1. Eric B.
2. Lee L.
3. Kevin D.
4. Anton G.
5. Laruel C.
6. Josh H.
7. Steve L
8. Rudy G.
9. Ed M.
10. Lucas R.
11. Patrick R.
12. Jeremy L.
13. Matt S.
14. Veronica Q.
15. Grant Q.
16. Mike W.
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Really a bummer that the matches are on the same weekend as I'd love to go to both !
Although if I don't get more info soon on the Vantage match I may just go to UNSC, Hard to plan for anything without the details.
After reading the specs on the match @ Vantage I've decided not to attend. I would love to get the trigger time but as I have yet to get the cataract in my left eye fixed I'll not be doing any weak side shooting for some time. So a whole day of weak side is out of the question. I could RO but it would be an expensive 2 day trip to watch everyone else shoot. I need to try to save money to get my eye fixed before I go blind in that eye. Have fun, & be safe.
Don't think I'll be there either. While I don't have cataracts to deal with (all the best to you, Jeff), I was counting on having my .243 barrel by now from Benchmark to replace the 20" .308 on my rig. While I don't like to be a spoil-sport, I'd like to be competitive with the folks shooting past 700-yards in windy Vantage, WA. Have fun!

Don't think I'll be there either. While I don't have cataracts to deal with (all the best to you, Jeff), I was counting on having my .243 barrel by now from Benchmark to replace the 20" .308 on my rig. While I don't like to be a spoil-sport, I'd like to be competitive with the folks shooting past 700-yards in windy Vantage, WA. Have fun!


Guess we will see you at UNSC instead
Travis says he's about a month out from having my new rifle ready (6.5x47 Lapua).... Not going to go nuts just yet on creating loads. I'm going to load up some ladder test rounds so I can take the rifle to my local range the same day I get the rifle from Rbros. I'll post up pictures on the Hide as soon as get it into my hands. Until then, I'm going crazy just waiting.

If he used the same reamer/ throat as my rifle, 42.2 H4350, CCI 450, 130 Berger touching. Load development is done.
.260 Remington OCW test


Thanks to everybody who responded to my earlier request for .260 Rem load data. I decided to do some OCW testing at 200 yards and here are the results I came up with. Thanks to Flashfire who dutifully captured my chronograph output as I shot my groups.

I contacted Dan Newberry and he helped me interpret my targets. I have a clear scatter node at 43.8 gr. Based on my groups and the fact accuracy nodes tend to be 1.5% above and below scatter nodes he suggested I further explore 43.2 gr by varying the seating depth. There was one flyer but he felt is was shooter induced. Interestingly enough, this load is very similar to the loads shared by others in the this thread which gives me quite a bit of confidence. It also had the lowest standard deviation of all the groups - 3.3 fps.

Regarding the group at 44.1 gr: I was gravitating toward that load but Dan said it was a trap since it was so close to a scatter node. This is the type of load that would shoot well on one day and shoot like crap on others.

I welcome your thoughts on this...



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I agree with your thinking. Chasing velocity rather than accuracy is a beginner's trap, and I'm glad to hear that you didn't fall prey to it.

I went into all the various places where I could find loads for the 260 using the powder and bullet weight I wanted. Then I averaged ALL the data to figure out what the average charge weight was where the highest number of shooters got the best results. I based my starting load data just below that, and started working my way up. It was neat to find that the load I eventually settled on was only .5 grains different than the average that I found in the beginning. That small variance could easily be because I have a 27 inch barrel rather than a 24, or because I used necked down Winchester 7mm-08 brass rather than Lapua.

I think you will find your load very soon now...varying seating depth hasn't made a huge difference in my velocity as long as I wasn't jamming the bullet into the lands to cause a pressure spike. Going from .005 to .020 thou back from the lands, my velocity was more determined by charge weight than seating depth. When I arrived at the point where you are, I used seating depth and group size, then used the chrono to get my final velocity to save time.
I agree. I start my load development with a ladder test @ 350-450yd then take the most promising node, & round robin (OCW) a few tenths above, & below @ 200. Then take the best of the OCW to seating depth with another round robin. After all that I chrony, & begin testing @ LR while trueing my FFS to the load. I'm usually done in less than 50 rnds.
Originally Posted by Flashfire
Travis says he's about a month out from having my new rifle ready (6.5x47 Lapua).... Not going to go nuts just yet on creating loads. I'm going to load up some ladder test rounds so I can take the rifle to my local range the same day I get the rifle from Rbros. I'll post up pictures on the Hide as soon as get it into my hands. Until then, I'm going crazy just waiting.

If he used the same reamer/ throat as my rifle, 42.2 H4350, CCI 450, 130 Berger touching. Load development is done.

There won't be any load development. It took JTP along time to finally give in and use the above load. I designed the reamer and this load fits it perfectly and is extremely accurate! Pretty simple.
I think you will find your load very soon now...varying seating depth hasn't made a huge difference in my velocity as long as I wasn't jamming the bullet into the lands to cause a pressure spike. Going from .005 to .020 thou back from the lands, my velocity was more determined by charge weight than seating depth. When I arrived at the point where you are, I used seating depth and group size, then used the chrono to get my final velocity to save time.

From what Dan explained to me, the seating depth variations are to adjust group size. To your point, it is not my objective to adjust velocity through seating depth. The 43.2 gr load of H4350 averages 2802 fps. My chrono setup is a CED Millenium II at 15 feet from the muzzle.

I was shootng 139 Scenars - I'll have to see if I get similar results with 142 SMK.
I agree. I start my load development with a ladder test @ 350-450yd then take the most promising node, & round robin (OCW) a few tenths above, & below @ 200. Then take the best of the OCW to seating depth with another round robin. After all that I chrony, & begin testing @ LR while trueing my FFS to the load. I'm usually done in less than 50 rnds.

I'd be interested to see what I would get with a ladder test at that distance.
From what Dan explained to me, the seating depth variations are to adjust group size. To your point, it is not my objective to adjust velocity through seating depth. The 43.2 gr load of H4350 averages 2802 fps. My chrono setup is a CED Millenium II at 15 feet from the muzzle.

I was shootng 139 Scenars - I'll have to see if I get similar results with 142 SMK.

I didn't mean to suggest that you should, (or even could) use seating depth to significantly adjust velocity. What I was trying to say is what Dan explained to you better than I did. Changing seating depth usually gets you to the "best" accuracy within that node or powder charge. Your velocity may change a teeny bit with seating depth, but not enough to make much of a difference. Velocity will only change significantly if you start causing yourself pressure issues by jam seating the bullets into the lands. Few of us like messing with pressure spikes. Many people do jam seat bullets, and many Berger bullets are known to shoot best this way. However, the problems that can occur with jam seating have caused me to use the same method you a bit back from the lands. I find it safer, and gives me better reliability. Plus, I like being able to use my 308 ammo in both a bolt gun and a semi-auto. Jam seating would be nothing but headaches for me there.

Without using jam seating, I don't risk having the bullet pulled out of the case, thereby rendering my rifle useless, and scattering loose powder through my action. The pressure spike that most people find when the bullet is jammed into the lands is compensated for by a reduced powder charge. I think that loose case necks and gentle jam seating is what most bench rest shooters use, but the single feed rounds, and often load at the bench. Obviously, that won't work for our kind of shooting.

I have been reloading for many decades, and as time goes on, shooters keep learning more and more about ballistics, reloading that helps accuracy and other issues. Just like with precision rifles, advance keep happening with rifles and reloading....both equipment and techniques.

I'll be eager to see your new 260 when you bring it out. (or maybe post some photos)
What is wrong with 42.6?


Thanks to everybody who responded to my earlier request for .260 Rem load data. I decided to do some OCW testing at 200 yards and here are the results I came up with. Thanks to Flashfire who dutifully captured my chronograph output as I shot my groups.

I contacted Dan Newberry and he helped me interpret my targets. I have a clear scatter node at 43.8 gr. Based on my groups and the fact accuracy nodes tend to be 1.5% above and below scatter nodes he suggested I further explore 43.2 gr by varying the seating depth. There was one flyer but he felt is was shooter induced. Interestingly enough, this load is very similar to the loads shared by others in the this thread which gives me quite a bit of confidence. It also had the lowest standard deviation of all the groups - 3.3 fps.

Regarding the group at 44.1 gr: I was gravitating toward that load but Dan said it was a trap since it was so close to a scatter node. This is the type of load that would shoot well on one day and shoot like crap on others.

I welcome your thoughts on this...

I'll be eager to see your new 260 when you bring it out. (or maybe post some photos)

Hi Unknown,

It was a simple barrel swap on my AI Arctic Warfare. I got an AI barrel so it looks just like my .308. It is slightly heavier by a few ounces due to the reduced bore size. I've only put 60 rounds down the barrel, but so far I'm liking it. Much less recoil than my .308 shooting 175 SMKs.

Take care....
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What is wrong with 42.6?

Excellent question because I was orignally drawn to that group.

Dan said that since it is almost 3% below my scatter node at 43.8, I could be very close to a scatter node similar to the group at 44.1gr. 3% below 43.8 is 43.5. To confirm his theory I'm going to work up some loads at 43.5 and see what happens - I expect to see another scatter node. Also, the velocity averaged 2750 which was a little slower than I wanted to be with my .260.

My chosen load of 43.2 gives me 2,800 fps which should give me decent barrel and brass life but is also fast enough to accomplish what I want to do.
Not true Travis,

In the 6.5x47 Lapua you built me I ran 41.7 grains of H4350 and I have not seen, shot, or heard of a more accurate rifle than this one was. So there (-:

Originally Posted by Flashfire
Travis says he's about a month out from having my new rifle ready (6.5x47 Lapua).... Not going to go nuts just yet on creating loads. I'm going to load up some ladder test rounds so I can take the rifle to my local range the same day I get the rifle from Rbros. I'll post up pictures on the Hide as soon as get it into my hands. Until then, I'm going crazy just waiting.

There won't be any load development. It took JTP along time to finally give in and use the above load. I designed the reamer and this load fits it perfectly and is extremely accurate! Pretty simple.
LOL Jake,

The most accurate, not sure about that claim. Jesse and I have shot probably 20K rounds through the 6.5x47's and
that load is pretty hard to beat when using the spec'd components. That is the beauty of the 6.5x47, it will shoot just about
anything a guy runs through it. Here is a 5 shot group at 100 and then a 4 shot group at 500.


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Just messin with you brother!

Good components, good gumsmith, good equipment and it's hard to go wrong!

LOL Jake,

The most accurate, not sure about that claim. Jesse and I have shot probably 20K rounds through the 6.5x47's and
that load is pretty hard to beat when using the spec'd components. That is the beauty of the 6.5x47, it will shoot just about
anything a guy runs through it. Here is a 5 shot group at 100 and then a 4 shot group at 500.
Hey Guys and Gals,
I am still waiting on the word from Roger Stiller the lead R/O at UNSC for Dec 26-27. I had to slide the class to the right a month in order to get a larger class. We have 4-5 guys already interested in the Dec class I will keep you guys posted. I can handle up to 6 guys, which will keep the round count to 150 or so and allow for a solid instructor to student ratio.
The details of the class are listed below.
We will start each day at 0800 and finish up by 1600 with a break for lunch and B-Sing.
Cost is $400 for the weekend and $100 of that goes back to the range.
We will work fundamentals and gun handling AM on Saturday on the 100 range, then move over to the 550 in the PM to gather data, read winds, Dialing the scope, hold over/unders and spotting.
Sunday AM we will be back on the 550 and work range estimation and barricades. Sunday PM will move back to the 100 work traditional positions and check on our fundamental.
The class size is small so I can be flexible with various skill level shooters. The course would be great for beginners as well as intermediate practical rifle shooters.
Gear required:
Rifle with scope
Rear bag
Ear pro
150 rounds of ammo
Comfort items:
rain gear
shooting matt

Any update if this is a go?
Westside guys,

I need to make some room in my man cave, and I have some powder that I will not use, and would like to offer it up to you guys first. I will not ship, so don't ask!
1. 1lb of Accurate#2
2. 1lb of Reloader 15
3. 1lb of Reloader 17
4. 1lb of IMR 4350
5. 1lb of H4831 (it is not SC)
6. 1lb of H322
7. 2lb of VV N540
8. 8lb of VV N133
Please PM me if your interested in any or all. I will price these very fairly, not trying to buy a S&B scope or anything, just know that someone will use it sooner than I will. Thanks, J
Not nearly as impressive as Travis or Jakes RBros groups but here's 42.3 ( Yea I have to be a little different) at 300 yrds

I shoot one hole groups at a 100 all the time but the other four shots after the first always screw it up ;)