Ed, Steve and Kelly
Thank you for the kind words I enjoyed shooting with you guys on the 26-27. The improvement was pretty dramatic. Dot drills really suck but they give us a ton of information. Working on our our strengths doesn't yield the quickest returns. It's good to here you guys talk about how you are going to practice in the future. That is probably the number one take away from any block of instruction.
The pistol class is on the 20th out at UNSC cost is 100 for members and 125 for non members. You will shoot around 500 rounds in 7 hours and work from the ground up, slow aimed fire though the draw stroke and multiple target engagements. We will lecture a bit on defense concepts but focus on the mechanics of pistol shooting. My class is set up to handle all competency levels in the same class.
I have talked the board into letting us work from the holster and shoot faster than 1 shot per second for the class, so it will not be lame.
IF you are interested contact me at
[email protected]