Russia Ukraine / USA Cuba

I guess we will find out since Russia just moved into Ukraine and is bombing Kyiv
that's what CNN says anyway. CNN has said a lot of bullshit over the years.

But if true, if Russia goes to war with the US, it will be their death ride. they cannot match our conventional warfare capabilities.
My prediction; mainstreet pays more, politicians make more
Yep. I’m on the side that this isn’t our conflict. BUT I’m also not naive enough to ignore broader global concerns. China will now be emboldened to a move on Taiwan. I wonder how many us made night vision systems are being used in Ukraine compliments of the taliban and joe biden
It was the previous administration in Ukraine that was in bed with serpents.
The current president of Ukraine cut that head off along with the Biden family gravy train.
Do you understand that Ukraine does a lot of trade with us?
This will kill farmers selling grains.
There's an industry that makes a specialty gas that 99% get used in the USA for chip production.
let me spell it out for you….

i dont give a flying fuck about the ukraine. or a cup of cold piss. if they cut the head off that snake (as you suggest) did they expose, and/or seize politicians’ illegal stores, or prosecute the people involved in any of this? nope.

Too many transactional arguments; not enough support for democracy.
“Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” - James Madison
You mean marginalization by majority?
Ukraine is the perfect example of how fucked up democracies are. all you need is 50.01% of the majority to completely rape the shit out of the 49.99% with complete and total impunity because they are the "majority" and what they say, goes.

Incidentally, that is exactly what Kiev has been doing, and why there is a war there.

Our Republic guarantees rights and protection for the minority despite the violent wishes of any majority. So no wonder the leftists insist on referring to us as a democracy. It's what they want.....when they are in charge.
we were exporting oil until biden took over. that turd don’t float. that is just more shit that is directly democrat’s fault. 1000%.
I’m not up to date if we are still net export or not but we could be entirely energy independent and our gas price would still go up due to the increased demand in Europe if Russia shuts the tap off.
I’m not up to date if we are still net export or not but we could be entirely energy independent and our gas price would still go up due to the increased demand in Europe if Russia shuts the tap off.
your picture above with that 99cent gas wasnt that long ago. it ought to really PISS OFF everyone that sees it. we were swimming in gasoline….so much so, they shut down the fracking because it wasnt profitable….it has to be above $2.somethingoranother (2.75 iirc) for fracking to be worth it.

they do keep amazing me with the new and fucked up ways they find to fuck things up.
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Reagan is spinning in his grave
and so is Roosevelt for being buddy buddy with Japan now right? Hope you’ve never used a Honda product.

Russia has zero interest in the west as far as I can tell. Conflict with Russia is soley about politicians and defense contractors stealing more money from the tax payers.
Oh ffs, grow up.

Putin has every interest in expanding russia and making the USSR the same as what it was. He will stop at nothing.
Grow up? I literally used your same argument in a different scenario.

I don’t remember the Russians ever directly attacking our naval bases killing thousands of American service memebers. How dare you ever buy anything from the imperialist Japanese scum!

Honestly why should I care about Russian expansion at this point at all? I do not believe that Russia poses any direct threat to the west. If I was at the store and my two options were to buy a Russian or a Chinese product, I’m buying the Russian product.
Oh ffs, grow up.

Putin has every interest in expanding russia and making the USSR the same as what it was. He will stop at nothing.


Yeah, like the urban yute king who’s going to take over the world on his 1200mo government check

Russia is broke, if Ukraine, a tiny shithole most can’t find on a map, sinks it’s heals in it might break Russia.

Yeah, like the urban yute king who’s going to take over the world on his 1200mo government check

Russia is broke, if Ukraine, a tiny shithole most can’t find on a map, sinks it’s heals in it might break Russia.
I wouldn’t quite say that it’s small, it’s longer across than Texas is. It’s bigger than any other European country I think
I wouldn’t quite say that it’s small, it’s longer across than Texas is. It’s bigger than any other European country I think

Yes, a brilliant country who was about to cure cancer.

How many Ukrainian products or services do you have? How many Ukrainian movies have you seen? Or great minds can you name?

Russia wants to spend its last rubles breaking it’s broke military to take over a shit hole no one cares about, that’s a victory for us bro!

And from the interviews I’ve seen, many of the civilians in Ukraine don’t even seem to care, shit they seem to care less than the peril clutchers of culdesac America
Yes, a brilliant country who was about to cure cancer.

How many Ukrainian products or services do you have? How many Ukrainian movies have you seen? Or great minds can you name?

Russia wants to spend its last rubles breaking it’s broke military to take over a shit hole no one cares about, that’s a victory for us bro!
Easy killer, I was literally just talking about it’s size 😂
You are arguing to take a democratic country by force by a soviet country. That's disturbing.
Then you go march you and your family over there to protect that shit hole. Don’t sign my tax dollars or friends lives up to go defend it. I don’t give a fuck what Russia does over there. Warring and conquering lands of the weak is literally the way the world and human life works. I don’t see how or why it would negatively effect our national interests besides the pocket books of Politicians and defense contractors.
i dont think anyone is "pro soviet expansion".....i just dont think anyone gives a fuck about Ukraine or Russia....especially not if it means paying $6/gal for gas and sending service members to fight in yet another useless conflict.

we cant police the world.

frankly, if Fmr. Vice President Biden wasnt embezzling money out of Ukraine, he wouldnt give a shit about it.

funny the Whitehouse/ CNN hasnt said a peep about Chinese expansion.

Ukraine can go fuck its self....Russia can go fuck its self...the United States needs to stay out of it and focus on whats best for America.

Yet here we are having American citizens apologizing for saying Taiwan is its own country. No one gives a fuck about the real threat that is China.