The war in Ukraine and Donbas

ukraine and russia have both had women trying to get out for a long time. some pretty hot. those would of course have a better shot at it. i think you would have to be insane to play that game. 2 i know of. 1 i don't know outcome. 1 guy i know lost almost everything. have heard the same about asian imports.
tempting,i guess,because modern american women have been problematic for 50 yrs anyway.
I have some Ukranian refugees living here, not very hot tho they look like a damm skippybal.
Few years ago I was with a girl from Slovenia, not bad but when she started drinking...............
Hmm, that was a very long winded and imprecise way to describe your political views. I think I understand what you are getting at. Hopefully the other folks reading are able to do the same.
You have no clue about my political views. I am talking about facts.

Since you have revealed that your perception of reality is shaped by your political views, your post says a lot about how receptive you are to political propaganda, and not much else.

My political views are far, far to the right (way farther than Trump has ever dared to pretend that he is). But that has nothing to do with facts that either are true or not true, regardless of politics.

You sound like some soviet commissar who dictates what the facts are according to the party. There is "political view" and there is objective reality. The objective reality does not change because some politician says so.
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That new Ukrainian missile (palinytsia) looks to have a slurry payload of 5000 lbs +.

Basically a flying Oil pipe. 1 meter thick. 10-15 meters long.

Should smash some oil refinerys.

That will get the Chinese and Indians scared.
China keeps sending fresh 152mm barrels ect.

The Russians are getting lots of new soldiers from the Far East by paying them 1-2000k USD per month.

They will not run out of men. I wonder if the Ukrainians will keep the Russians out of Multicultural, Woke,and DEi Europe?

Time will tell.
You have no clue about my political views. I am talking about facts.

Since you have revealed that your perception of reality is shaped by your political views, your post says a lot about how receptive you are to political propaganda, and not much else.

My political views are far, far to the right (way farther than Trump has ever dared to pretend that he is). But that has nothing to do with facts that either are true or not true, regardless of politics.

You sound like some soviet commissar who dictates what the facts are according to the party. There is "political view" and there is objective reality. The objective reality does not change because some politician says so.
I get your view a lot from my leftie relatives. I’ve learned that anything presented by media that seems to be supporting the status quo is probably lies.
Note I did not present anything at all from any news media, and I do not know your lefty relatives and would not take them at their word even if I did. What I presented comes from publicly available records that you can view yourself without me filtering it or the news media filtering it.

True The Vote literally stated in open court that they had nothing, after delaying and delaying. They were very active in Georgia filing complaints with the election board, which responded with, "Wow, give us the information to go after this."

Georgia kept asking and asking and finally sued them to get the information.

Two years later, True The Vote's attorneys finally, under a court order with a deadline, admitted that the information did not exist.

You might be able to get that from your lefty relatives or the news media somewhere. I don't know. But I did not get it there.

I used to believe a lot of this stuff, 2000 Mules and True the Vote, but I started to get suspicious when True the Vote was ignoring requests by the State of Georgia for information relating to the claims that they were making.

Now, I realize I was "had."

Kind of like Democrats that watched the last debate with Trump and Biden and realized that they had been "had."

Somehow, a lot of True The Vote's claims are still making the rounds on the internet, and most folks I speak to are not even aware of the lawsuit or the outcome. Fox News sure did not trumpet it. The other major media did not really report it much, either.

P.S. - I am voting for Trump. I voted for him in 2020, too (and 2016). There is no real choice but Trump for 2024. So for the guy above who posted about TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), that's just silly.
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Wrong thread here, but did you watch all the video and audio and digital.evidence.from Fulton GA?
You weren't "had", you're believing.the bullshit of the Dems election steal coverup.
They fucking destroyed evidence and the warehouse was "robbed" during the 2 hrs the guards "stepped away". Don't be a fucking shill..
@Malum Prohibitum,

Again, wrong thread, but are you saying this isn't evidence? Really?

LOL, no, some woman reading claims for two and a half minutes with no evidence whatsoever to support what she is saying is not evidence. Anybody can claim anything.

There is a major difference between making a claim and supporting that claim with evidence.

Unfortunately, there are three posts above this one making claims with no evidence, and the persons who posted each one actually think they are discussing "evidence."

And NoDopes and david walter, yeah, I get it, wrong thread. I'll stop dragging it off topic, but I wanted to respond to what others are saying. When actual evidence is required, such as when True The Vote was dragged into court and forced to put up or shut up, they admitted they had none. But they were making claims for years that others repeated as "evidence."
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Totally no evidence whatsoever. Most secure election ever, in all of human history. Won by even more than Kim Jong Un, who won unanimously!

There no reason whatsoever for all these conspiracy theories questioning the election.

So tell me who is talking, the context, and why you think this is evidence. It is some video of an unknown person saying that it looks like some ballots appear to have matching marks on them.

Could you present that video as is in a court anywhere in the country? The answer is no.

It could literally be made up by some dude in his basement. Are they even real ballots as counted? How do you know?
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The "independant Investigators" from this article.

Honest mistake. Totally not fraud. 3000 votes is nearly half the entire margin of "victory" in GA, for the president who got the most votes ever, in all of human history. Fulton County was not the only place this happened.
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Seems things have changed after those F16 showed up, and it does not seem to be working out anywhere near well as the US & nato had hoped.
and so were the german and polish tanks , our MLRS , SPAAG 's ....what trump might do is instead of signing more checks he will send them the pens and a postem note .... these are for signing a peace deal
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and so were the german and polish tanks , our MLRS , SPAAG 's ....what trump might do is instead of signing more checks he will send them the pens and a postem note .... these are for signing a peace deal
Been thinking on this. I do think there could be a real NATO escalation between here and the election so Trump cannot pull out, but I also wonder if Putin is holding out to see how the election goes and using his time to get everything in order just in case. If Trump gets in and nobody has done anything severely stupid to tie his hands then there may be hope after the inauguration. If Kamala wins then Putin knows it's not going to abate. That will be a decision point I bet.
Been thinking on this. I do think there could be a real NATO escalation between here and the election so Trump cannot pull out, but I also wonder if Putin is holding out to see how the election goes and using his time to get everything in order just in case. If Trump gets in and nobody has done anything severely stupid to tie his hands then there may be hope after the inauguration. If Kamala wins then Putin knows it's not going to abate. That will be a decision point I bet.
i agree, putin will see which way it goes first
Why is Putin playing this game of attrition? It doesn't make sense unless he values his troops lives less than the PR of not going all in. It's pretty clear European forces are providing massive realtime support.
Why is Putin playing this game of attrition? It doesn't make sense unless he values his troops lives less than the PR of not going all in. It's pretty clear European forces are providing massive realtime support.
well the russians have taken for the most part a quarter of the country that is for sure with their tactics you really believe they suffered tens of thousands of their troops killed ? US foreign policy aid to one side of commies killing commies = win win defeated one weakened and no US blood spilled . NATO gives /sells uke their old obsolete stocks and has to buy new US stuff winwin
well the russians have taken for the most part a quarter of the country that is for sure with their tactics you really believe they suffered tens of thousands of their troops killed ? US foreign policy aid to one side of commies killing commies = win win defeated one weakened and no US blood spilled . NATO gives /sells uke their old obsolete stocks and has to buy new US stuff winwin
some sources claim ukrainian/russian losses are at a 6/1 ratio respectively.
of course you can't really trust any "sources" at this point....
B52 's were not too effective against sks/ak47 's either ...surely

Could have used 50,000 Neutron Bombs.

Germans would have in 1944.

Maybe they will now.

The Vietnam War politicians were not in a war of survival. It was a "police action".

Hmm. I doubt the Russians will get much farther. Their train tracks will get melted with Thermite drones.
Could have used 50,000 Neutron Bombs.

Germans would have in 1944.

Maybe they will now.

The Vietnam War politicians were not in a war of survival. It was a "police action".

Hmm. I doubt the Russians will get much farther. Their train tracks will get melted with Thermite drones.
are you typing from a bar or mommies basement ?
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If the Russians make it to Dresden....Mexican-Americans and Germans can just take care of it.

Germans are Re-Arming.
Love to see data on the Germans rearming. They have not invested their 2% in their military for decades. How many helicopters, planes, tanks, ships are fully mission capable? How many soldiers trained and available? NATO is a joke.
Been thinking on this. I do think there could be a real NATO escalation between here and the election so Trump cannot pull out, but I also wonder if Putin is holding out to see how the election goes and using his time to get everything in order just in case. If Trump gets in and nobody has done anything severely stupid to tie his hands then there may be hope after the inauguration. If Kamala wins then Putin knows it's not going to abate. That will be a decision point I bet.
back in '15 there was the thought thrown around that putin would prefer trump. he thought if killery got in she would shortly start a war directly with russia. we know the collusion story was an fbi/cia fake. trump was not perfect but a lot more reasonable than biden's handlers. easier to deal with than obiden and recognized some limits to US power usage. had a handle on kim. neither the russians nor the chinese want kim going nuts. did the russians interfere in the 16 election? of course. been doing it since the 30s. not a shocker as we do the same everywhere. BFD.
Love to see data on the Germans rearming. They have not invested their 2% in their military for decades. How many helicopters, planes, tanks, ships are fully mission capable? How many soldiers trained and available? NATO is a joke.

100 Million Euros for 2024. 100 for 2025. Plus private investment. Plus U.S gear piling in.
This 100 Billion Euro does not include replacement of the Tens of Billions of existing stock donated.

This does not include the U.S. starting up German prototype projects with U.S. funding.

Due to inflation and what not, the budget is actually 110 Billion Euros. 121 Billion USD.

The real numbers are classified. Probably 160-220 Billion USD factoring U.S. investment. Maybe more or maybe less. Politicians will steal some...then increase the budget even more. You know.

4th largest budget on earth (Formerly India as of 2023) without counting U.S. investment and obviously without counting U.S. Equipment.

I don't think they want Russians in American uniforms with American and Canadian Weapons pulling Vodka Pervitan trains on Women and Babies like in 1945.

I think the Germans are just being paranoid.
They should increase immigration from Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and take the defense budget down to about 39 Billion USD.

They should also let new Germans buy guns.

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If the Russians make it to Dresden....Mexican-Americans and Germans can just take care of it.

Germans are Re-Arming.
Germany spends just over 1% of their GDP on their military. Even if they ramped it up to the 15% that the U.S. has averaged, Germany no longer has the industrial capacity, the skill or the leadership to grow, much less sustain a meaningful military.

There are still some top tier meat eaters in their ranks but overall, the Germans have totally shit their own beds with their socialist policies and unfettered immigration. Like most of the West, they are becoming a victim of themselves.
Germany spends just over 1% of their GDP on their military. Even if they ramped it up to the 15% that the U.S. has averaged, Germany no longer has the industrial capacity, the skill or the leadership to grow, much less sustain a meaningful military.

There are still some top tier meat eaters in their ranks but overall, the Germans have totally shit their own beds with their socialist policies and unfettered immigration. Like most of the West, they are becoming a victim of themselves.
Traditional European citizens will no longer serve in the military as the EU opened the gates to mass immigration and spat on their own citizens. Germany, UK, and so on cannot staff their minimal militaries.
Germany spends just over 1% of their GDP on their military. Even if they ramped it up to the 15% that the U.S. has averaged, Germany no longer has the industrial capacity, the skill or the leadership to grow, much less sustain a meaningful military.

There are still some top tier meat eaters in their ranks but overall, the Germans have totally shit their own beds with their socialist policies and unfettered immigration. Like most of the West, they are becoming a victim of themselves.

Maybe because idiot Churchill talked our grandparents into siding with Asians instead of Continental Europeans.

Germany is a neutered American vassal state.

The blame for Germany's poor state lies with D.C. and NYC.

Germans need AfD in and they need to re-arm PROPERLY instead of relying on Daddy Warbucks out of Montauk.

U.S. UK should NEVER have sided with Russia in WW2. Bunch of Bradley fan boys here.


Well. American blood and steel can protect Germany after Poland get rolled.

It's what America wants.
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Traditional European citizens will no longer serve in the military as the EU opened the gates to mass immigration and spat on their own citizens. Germany, UK, and so on cannot staff their minimal militaries.

Europe's future is one of conflict. Like it's past.

E.U's future conflict will look like this within' 20-30 years.

The post 1945 Multicultural experiment has BADLY failed.

All in agreement say Here Here.


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